31 files found in Library "Magazine / Books"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
AUGSB10.ZIP No 35362 07-05-95
The Augsburg Confession by Philip
Melanchthon, 1497-1560 A Project Gutenberg
Public Domain Etext. June 25, 1995 #275
BBEAU10.ZIP Yes 118807 06-11-95
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell [english Quaker
1820-1878.] A Project Gutenberg Public Domain
Etext. May, 1995 [etext #271].
BEAST10.ZIP Yes 149506 05-31-95
Beasts and Super-Beasts" by H.H. Munro
("Saki") from Project Gutenberg
CONAM10.ZIP Yes 413802 06-16-95
Confessio Amantis -or- Tales of the Seven
Deadly Sins By John Gower, 1330-1408 A.D. A
Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext. May,
1995 [Etext #266].
CORMC10.ZIP Yes 43542 06-16-95
The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald
Anonymous Icelandic Epic. A Project Gutenberg
Public Domain Etext. May, 1995 [Etext #265].
DRDAY10.ZIP Yes 93507 06-11-95
Dream Days, by Kenneth Grahame. A Project
Gutenberg Public Domain Etext. May, 1995
DWIGHT.ZIP Yes 208930 06-08-95 WIGHT 1.0 A freeware poem.
DWWWW11.ZIP Yes 66350 06-16-95
In the Days When the World was Wide, by Henry
Lawson. A Project Gutenberg Public Domain
Etext. February, 1995 [Etext #214]
FRDAM10.ZIP Yes 18378 07-09-95
Father Damien by Robert Louis Stevenson
Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
HMIRT10.ZIP Yes 294015 07-09-95
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton. A Project
Gutenberg Public Domain Etext June, 1995
INBRO10.ZIP Yes 273458 06-11-95
Introduction to Robert Browning by Hiram
Corson. A Project Gutenberg Public Domain
Etext. May, 1995 [etext #260].
JKMST10.ZIP Yes 22264 06-11-95
Main Street And Other Poems by Joyce Kilmer.
A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext. May,
1995 [etext #264].
POEMRITE.ZIP Yes 158250 04-02-95 Poem Writer w/ Rhyming Dictionary v1.00
REEF10.ZIP Yes 213679 07-09-95
The Reef by Edith Wharton. A Project
Gutenberg Public Domain Etext June, 1995
RFENG10.ZIP Yes 144222 07-09-95
Records of a Family of Engineers (Robert
Lewis Stevenson's family) A Project Gutenberg
Public Domain Etext June, 1995 [Etext #290].
RMYWATCH.ZIP Yes 102768 04-01-95
MY WATCH by Mark Twain - MultiMedia E-Book
VGA needed.
RUPBR10.ZIP Yes 60932 05-08-95
The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke" from
Project Gutenberg
SCOMIC1.ZIP Yes 137857 06-22-95
Stingray First issue of a comic book being
put out by Stingray productions.fli format.
SCOMIC2.ZIP Yes 281876 06-23-95
Stingray First issue of a comic book being
put out by Stingray productions.fli format.
SIMMAN1.ZIP Yes 112435 05-27-95
"The Simulated Man," by Michael Bate
a novel of computers and political intrigue
in the near future - fm Lighthouse
SMCAL10.ZIP Yes 34439 07-05-95
The Smalcald Articles by Dr. Martin Luther,
1537 A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext.
June 25, 1995 [Etext #273].
SNOWY11.ZIP Yes 57965 06-16-95
The Man from Snowy River by Andrew Barton
`Banjo' Paterson. A Project Gutenberg Public
Domain Etext. February, 1995 [Etext #213]
SPEMAY95.ZIP Yes 675452 05-19-95
SHAREPAPER ISSUE 2 - The first truly
interactive SVGA diskmag about shareware.
SPYUK11.ZIP Yes 34370 06-16-95
The Spell of the Yukon, by Robert Service. A
Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext.
January, 1995 [Etext #207]
ST1119.ZIP Yes 55096 05-12-95
05/05/95 STR 1118 "The Original Independent
OnLine Magazine!" " - STR INDUSTRY REPORT -
STReport on The WEB! Nintendo Virtual Boy -
Internet Publisher - Novell offers Internet -
TCNW21CD.ZIP Yes 573514 06-08-95
The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program, study aid
with 100+ pages rights commentary and inter-
active search and indexing abilities. Users
can determine for themselves and to their own
satisfaction what is WRITTEN in the Constitu-
tion and what it MEANS. Provided commentary
can be edited, printed, or saved in a text
file. Users can add their own commentary. All
needed documentation is in 3 on-screen
tutorials and exhaustive help.
TREES10.ZIP Yes 20814 06-11-95
Trees And Other Poems, by Joyce Kilmer.
Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext. May,
1995 [etext #263].