DOSASSIST should have come with the following files: 1 BBTOP.BAT : Types BBTOP.BBS 2 BBTOP.BBS : Ad for B.B. Top BBS 3 BRUN45.LIB : BASIC runtime module 4 DA.BAT : Batch file to load DASSIST into upper memory 5 * DASSIST.DAT : DOSAssist data file 6 DASSIST.DOC : Documentation 7 * DASSIST.EXE : The actual menu system 8 FILE_ID.DIZ : File description (for BBSs) 9 FILELIST.TXT: This file 10 REGISTER.FRM: Registration form 11 RESET.EXE : Reset program 12 * SETUP.DAT : Setup data file 13 * SETUP.EXE : Setup program 14 SS4.EXE : "Paint Droplets" screen saver The archive name (if this was downloaded) should be DA100.??? (ZIP, ARJ, ARC, ZOO, LZH, etc.). If not, please rename it. Files marked with an asterisk are absolutely necessary to use the program. Other files should be included anyway. If not, please notify us. The (initially) 0 byte file SETUP.DAT is needed for the program. If it does not exist, the setup program will create it. Do not delete it.