PaperPad Registration. Please see either PPAD.HLP or README.TXT for information on how to register. Section 1: Name, address. This is required. NAME:_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS1:___________________________________________________________ ADDRESS2:___________________________________________________________ CITY:_____________________________ STATE:_______ ZIP:_______________ TELEPHONE: (____) ______-_______ Section 2: About your computer. This is optional. CHIP: 80286 386SX 386DX 486SLC 486SX 486DX IntelDX2 IntelDX4 Pentium PowerPC601 PowerPC604 PowerPC620 Other:____________ RAM: 1- 2 4 6 8 12 16 20+ Other:______________ HARD DISK: 100- 120 140 160 180 190 200 220 240 260 280 300 340 360 400 420 460 480 500+ Other:_____________ GRAPHICS: CGA EGA VGA SVGA VGA+ XGA PGA 8514/a PowerPC EXTRA: MODEM CD-ROM JOYSTICK TAPE DRIVE SOUND CARD PEN DIGITISER Other:_________ DRIVES: 360k 1.2M 720K 1.44M 2.88M Other:_________________ Section 3: Comments. This is optional. Comments:_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to fill this out. Please send this to XpresWare, 6 Channing Place, Cambridge, MA 02138.