GRAFLITE Version 1.0 May 1, 1995 ----------- What is GrafLight ----------------- GrafLite is a Delphi component that serves as a graphic light indicator to provide feed back to the operator of a Delphi program. GrafLight is a descendent of a TImage component. The color of a GrafLight may be set at design time or at runtime. Use of GrafLight in a statusbar is about the same as using the hourglass cursor to let end users know that they should wait is the light is red, to proceed with caution if the light is yellow, or to proceed if the graflight is red. Other uses of GrafLight could include displaying modem-like lights on a status line for programs that use modem communications components. Properties - at design time ---------- GrafLight has the same image component properties with one simple additional property... ActiveLight. The ActiveLight component can be set to the following in the Object Inspector Dialog at design time: alNone - gray or inactive light alGreen - green or go active light alYellow - yellow or use caution light alRed - red or complete or warning light alBlue - blue active light alDarkRed - a dark red light The graflight component may be sized to any size at design time, but it looks the best at about 24 pixels square or smaller. The actual picture size is 17x17 pixels. The graflight may be place on a panel or statusline or on a form. Using Graflight - at run time --------------- The color of a graflight component may be changed at run time by setting the graflight components ActiveLight property to any of the following: alNone - gray or inactive light alGreen - green or go active light alYellow - yellow or use caution light alRed - red or complete or warning light alBlue - blue active light alDarkRed - a dark red light Installing GrafLight in the Delphi Component Library ---------------------------------------------------- GrafLight may be installed into the Delphi Component Library by: 1. Selecting Options\Install Components. 2. Select GRAFLIGHT.PAS After GRAFLIGHT has been installed it may be used just like any other Delphi component. GrafLight Registeration ----------------------- The source code is included in the shareware release. The source code may not be modified without permission of the author. GRAFLIGHT is (c) 1995 copyright by Adirondack Software & Graphics The author may be contacted on Compuserve Mail 2566,2387 WARNING ------- Although Graflight functions flawlessly on my computer systems the author assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the component or source code. Released June 11, 1995. Enjoy!