This program will allow you to edit single and 2 player HERETIC savegames for all weapons, max ammo, all keys and God Mode. If the savegame is a 2 player game, both players will be edited for the selected options. The setup.exe program for HERETIC will not display multiplayer savegames to be restored, but you can run them using command line arguments to load the game. (i.e. "sersetup -loadgame 0") This file includes a patched version of setup.exe which will work, however. Back up your original version, or store it in a different directory; and run the new version instead. This file includes all run-time files necessary to run her_edit.exe, with the exception of vbrun300.dll. The only reason I have not included 3 and 4 player savegame support is that I don't have access to a network in order to obtain 3,4 player savegames. If anyone would like to E-mail me a 3 and/or 4 player save game file, I will add that support to the program. This version of the program will run 50 times for evaluation. If you would like to obtain the registered version, send $15.00 to: Glen Johnson 2817 So. La Cienega Ave #B Los Angeles, CA 90034 310 839 9543 Internet: