Tagger 2.0 A numbering tool for MS Word for Windows 6.0 Author: Chris Ruckman (ruckman@oasys.dt.navy.mil) The file taggr20.zip replaces the files tagger11.zip and/or tagger1b.zip. What's New: Tagger 2.0 adds an exciting new feature: a convenient Tag Browser for inserting cross-reference fields in your text. You can even double-click on the cross-reference field to automatically move the cursor to the target of the cross- reference. Previous releases fixed several minor problems. For example, Tagger no longer crashes when inserting an equation below a paragraph that contained an equation number. Unnamed figures with chapter numbers now cross-reference properly. In March, 1995, I released an earlier version of this macro called InsEqnNum. Tagger is based on InsEqnNum, but is much more general and flexible. You will no longer need InsEqnNum. (It was distributed as EQFIG10.ZIP.) What is Tagger? Tagger is a macro for automatic numbering, captioning, and cross-referencing of figures, tables, equations, and other items in Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0. It is essentially an improved version of the InsertCaption and InsertCrossReference tools supplied with Word. If you routinely write documents with more than one or two equations, figures or tables, Tagger may save you time by automating your numbering and cross- referencing chores. Tagger replaces the InsEqnNum macro that I released in March, 1995, and adds MANY new capabilities. Copyright 1994,1995 Christopher Ruckman. All rights reserved. The author grants permission to use this program and associated documentation FOR NON-PROFIT PURPOSES ONLY. You may modify the program for personal use, but you may not distribute modified copies without the express prior written permission of the author. You may distribute this program ONLY in its complete, unmodified form INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTATION. You may not charge any fee for the use of this program. Any use of this program, including but not limited to printing, copying, distributing, or publishing by electronic or other means, implies full agreement to the above non-profit-use clause. Disclaimer: The author provides this program and documentation "AS IS." The author disclaims any express or implied warranties including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of commercial value, accuracy, or fitness for any particular purpose. If you use this program in any way, you do so at your own risk. This documentation does not necessarily represent the opinion of the author's employer, nor of anyone else except the author. Any mentions of company names or products are solely for information purposes and do not imply any endorsement by the author or his employer. Text of FILE_ID.DIZ: Tagger 2.0 - MS Word for Windows 6.0 macro. Tagger is a macro for automatic numbering, captioning, & cross-referencing of figures, tables, & equations in MS Word for Windows 6.0 (basically a better InsertCaption). If you routinely write documents with more than one or two equations, figures or tables, Tagger may save you time by automating your numbering and cross-referencing chores. Chris Ruckman (ruckman@oasys.dt.navy.mil)