BUILDER DIALOG BOXES Dialog boxes in Builder are simply general purpose windows. They can be used for virtually any purpose desired. A Builder dialog box is a set of screen displays (@..SAYS) and, optionally, keyboard inputs (@..GETs). Builder dialog boxes can be used to display an explanation and prompt before a report, get a date range for a report, get batch control information, create a data entry screen, or anything else you can do with Clipper SAY/GETs. Note: In the following special GET functions, don't confuse the 'Builder Picture Field' with the Clipper GET PICTURE clause! The following '@...' functions MUST be keyed into the Picture data entry field in the Builder.exe program. To create a GET as a drop down list simply enter @DROPDOWN:{"Choice 1","Choice 2", ... "Choice n"} into the Builder picture field, that's all, Builder does the rest. You can easily put a menu in the GETs of a dialog box by entering @MENU:{"Pad 1","Pad 2", ... "Pad n"} in the Builder picture field. You can also use a GET to execute another function by entering @EXEC:function(parms) in the Builder picture field. Also @CHECKBOX, @RADIOBUTTON:n, and @SPINNER are available, see the Builder documentation or the help sceen for GET picture fields for more information on how to create these. Access to a memo field is just as simple, type @MEMO into the Builder picture field when creating the dialog box. Note that only the @MEMO picture entry is available to Summer '87 style users. If the GET variable field has a corresponding data dictionary entry, the variable will be scoped correctly NOT USING THE DATA DICTIONARY WILL GENERATE SOME UNSCOPED VARIABLES IN DIALOG BOXES! ==== Getting memory variables scoped for dialogs is simple, just compile using the /N and /W switches (use > filename to copy warnings to a file). Note the 'ambigious reference' variable names. Using the 'Copy In' feature of the Builder data dictionary, copy all the unscoped variables you noted from compiling into the "*MEMVAR*" section. This is easy and fast -- shouldn't take more than 1 or 2 minutes even in a large application. ** End of File **