BUILDER BMOUSE.OBJ FILE Note: This file NOT used in Summer '87 applications. The Builder BMOUSE.OBJ file is an enhanced GET system for Clipper programs. This object file MUST be linked with all Builder applications. The function GETARRAY() is in this file and is required by the Builder library. The GET system has been altered for mouse support. When you use a mouse with the GET system it is possible to skip over fields without the VALID function being checked. so... An additional feature of BMOUSE.OBJ is that whenever you READ a series of @..GETs and they are exited without using the ESC Key, all the VALIDs in the GET list are scanned. If a VALID returns a logical false, the user will NOT be allowed to exit the GET list and the cursor will be placed in the offending field. To see an example of this, try to exit the READ on the example dialog box by double clicking your mouse on the last GET. ** End of File **