BUILDER TEXT FILE FUNCTIONS No matter what system I am writing, It ALWAYS seems I need to read or write CR/LF delimited text files. So..included in the Builder library are four functions that allow you to have FULL access to any CR/LF delimited text file. For example the following code sample is all that is required to read and display your AUTOEXEC.BAT: PROCEDURE Main() LOCAL nHandle := FOPEN( "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" ) >>> FEof(.f.) // Initialize End of File Test to False // Read AUTOEXEC.BAT Records and Display Until End of File >>> DO WHILE !FEof() >>> ? FGets( nHandle ) // Read and display the record ENDDO // Close the File FCLOSE( nHandle ) RETURN >>> -- is a Builder function call. That's all there is to it! And with the FGetsR function (introduced in version 2.0 of Builder) which reads backwards. You can easily create routines like the Builder FileView() function. ** End of File **