BUILDER OTHER FUNCTIONS The Builder library 'Other' functions don't really fit any category, all are simple and very useful. When you start programming using the Builder Development system, It is a good idea to replace all your INKEY(0) function calls with the Builder WaitKey(). The reason for this is that the WaitKey() function will react to any of your mouse pads, and INKEY(0) won't. Another advantage is WaitKey() will react to SET KEY TO...! There are a few other "Other" functions that just didn't make it into the Demo. They ARE useful, just not very often. It's good to know they're there... Var() - This one is an absolute MUST MEMORIZE because it gives you access to the Builder internal control variables. (mostly these are colors) definately see the documentation on this function! VarInit() - Calls the Var() function repeatedly to initialize the STATIC array that contains the Builder internal variables. This function executes automatically once per program execution to initialize the Builder library. CkPrtr() - Check printer, tests the printer to see if all is OK and displays a MsgBox() if there is a problem. It will only work with LPT1: because it calls Clipper's ISPRINTER(). Etc() - Use this in long loops where the each iteration takes the same amount of time. It returns the estimated time to completion. GetJump() - If a series of GETs are active, pass a number to this function and jump to that GET, relative to the beginning. (i.e. GetJump(1) will go to the first GET) Make_Empty() - Will return an Empty() value for whatever data type is passed. ** End of File **