UPDATED APPROVED IGM LIST: APPROVED LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARAK'S HOUSE - Let's face it folks! Seth Able's OWN IGM and the most stable of the IGM's available. No Big adjustments can be made in here and you only get to enter once a day. LORD TRIVIA - The second most stable IGM. No entry after level Six unless it is registered. Allows small increases of gold. Only one entry per day. SOCRATES - Personally one of my favorites..as long as Lord Rating is not in use! Allows Local thievery of Money, Weapons, and Armour. Has basically no effect on LordNet, Mostly just a local impact.. Again only one entry a day. DRAGON'S CLAW TAVERN - Another Tavern for Lord. Cool backroom if registered. Allows small experience gains for flirting with Wendy, and uses its own type of gold (in other words you can't bring any back to LORD with you) So it has NO effect on LordNet competetion. VIOLET'S COTTAGE - One of the most controversial IGM's Due to the fact that some run the clean version of Lord. This IGM is not acceptable to those. With the only bonuses for running this IGM are that you can get laid one more time by Violet or a few gems or gold pieces...this IGM also has no real effect on LordNet. LORD BROTHEL - Lord's Whorehouse...again same controversy, same verdict. BACKALLEY CHURCH - getting a bit like Usurper.. this IGM allows you to be blessed or burn incense for an extra point of this or that.. no biggie. Let's you raise your teammates or friends from the dead, good for teams! Really cool IGM. Allows bonuses only once per day. THE WISE ONE - New Version ONLY.. gold has to be limited to 30,000 gold pieces. Bonuses are limited to a few of this or that..Version WW1-120 or WW1-199 are the two versions acceptable at this time. If any Sysop if caught running the old Version or having a higher gold limit than specified above will be banned from the LordNet and this IGM will be dropped from the Approved List.. THE ARENA OF LORDS - Gives gold if you can beat Tyr (who is almost as powerful as the Red Dragon itself) But you must have a fairy to be able to fight him. POOL OF TRANSFORMATION - However unstable this IGM is, and I really do NOT suggest running it, it allows you to trade 3 charm for 1 Hitpoint or vice versa. THE LORD STABLES - a place to buy, sell, or keep a horse. THE LORD ANARCHIST - awesome IGM although your local users may scream when a 1st level player has the anarchist take a 12th level players' weapon and give him a toothpick in return.. puts some spice and antagonism in your local game Has no effect on Lordnet. DRAGON'S BREATH MOUNTAIN - A real good addition, almost exact copy of Red Dragon in IGM form. LET'S HAVE FUN - Minimal impact on the game, but I think it's FUN to ask the users to do a simple arithmetic problem!! OUTHOUSE - Freeware and funny. Minimal impact on the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------