213 É™» Doc DeBug was here É™» ...................... Group Photo  There is more to reality than meets the eye  !edis gnorw eht morf siht ta gnikool era uoY Apathy Error: Don't bother striking any key. Apple (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Issac Newton. COLDBEER.CAN not found, USER not loaded. California Raisins Found Murdered - Cereal Killer Suspected Does the name PAVLOV ring a bell ??? Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa ...News at 11 Dyslexics Of The World: Untie! ESTO error: Equipment Smarter Than Operator Enquiring minds couldn't care less! Entropy isn't what it used to be. Good enough is the death knell of progress. Help Operator, give me the number for emergency 911! Hey! Moon me one more time and I'm getting a new mirror! If Marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have inlaws! If idiots could fly, this would be an airport. If you can't give up sex, get married and taper off. Is it true that chicken soup will kill a virus? It's you and me against the world! When do we attack? KENNEDY COMPOUND -KEEP OUT- TRESPASSERS WILL BE VIOLATED! Learn from your parents mistakes. Use birth control. Life ain't easy for a Borg named Hugh. Listen to what I think, not what I say! McBorgs: Over one Billion assimilated! Me...a skeptic? I trust you have proof. Memory is a thing we forget with. Mickey Mouse wears a Dan Quayle watch. Modesty is a vastly overrated virtue. Money DOES talk - mine said Goodbye Money is the root of all money. Moving fast is not the same as going somewhere. Murphy had a baby.....Quayle had a cow. My life may be strange, but at least it's not boring. My name is paul and that's between Y`all! My reality check just bounced. Never accept lemonade from a urologist. Never kiss anything that doesn't have lips. Never lie when the truth is more profitable. Never mind the facts - I know what I know. Never search for raisins in a rabbit cage. Never underestimate the power of stupidity. Never use a long word when a diminutive one'll do. Nice guys may finish last, but we get to sleep in. No one really knows enough to be a pessimist. No one watches until you make a mistake Nobodie is infallible. Nothing spoils a good party like a genius. Nothing wrong that reincarnation won't cure. Notice: All incoming fire has the right of way. Of the things I've lost..I miss my mind the most Offer void where prohibited by sanity Oh no, not another learning experience! Once you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer a friend. Only dead fish swim with the stream. Onward to glorious madness & death....Have a nice day. Onward to old age and death. Have a nice day. Originality is undetected plagiarism. Outlaw puns and only outlaws will have them! Oxymorons... postal service and tech support! Pain is necessary; misery is optional. Phobaphobia (n.): The fear of fear itself. Pi R squared? NoNo! Pie R round, cornbread R square! Politicians only lie when their lips are moving. Potatoe. Dan, my spell checker agrees with you. Prayer will be in schools as long as exams are! Problem with the gene pool: No lifeguard. Professor: A textbook wired for sound. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out. Proofread when you have tyme. Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots. Puns are bad, but poetry is verse. Purranoia: the fear your cats are up to something. Put on your seatbelt...I wanna try something... Quayle just took an IQ test. The results were negative. REAL men don't throw gutter balls... Race Car spelled backwards is Race Car!!! Radioactive halibut will make fission chips. Raise your IQ - eat gifted children. Rap is to music what Etch-A-Sketch is to art... Real women don't deflate when you bite them... Reality is for people with no grasp of fantasy. Reality: A special case of no general interest Redundancy: An air bag in a politician's car. Register all shareware, but copy the commercial stuff. Remember when safe sex was not getting caught in the act? Rotisserie: A Ferris wheel for chickens. Rumors start easily around here... pass it on. SOLVE THE RUSH HOUR PROBLEM. GET VEHICULAR WEAPONRY. SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES DON'T (drink coke) WORK ON ME! Santa's elves are just a bunch of subordinate Clauses. Sarcasm is the sincerest form of insult!! Schizophrenic? No, WE prefer the word Imaginative... Sects! Sects! Sects! Is that all monks think about?!? See spot run... Run spot run... Oh spot, what have you done! Sex in a Volkswagon: Farfergnookie. Shaka, when the walls fell. She kept saying I didn't listen to her, or something. She turned me into a newt! ....well, I got better.... She won't last forever; why give her a diamond? Shin - Device for finding furniture in the dark. Silence is evidence of superb language skills .. Since when was a phone for talking? Skydiving & Maxwell House - Good to the last drop! Some Things Must be Believed Before They Can Be Seen! Some days you step in it..some days you don't... Somedays I feel like a windshield; others a bug! Sometimes I wake up grouchy, sometimes I let her sleep. Sorry, the brain you have reached has been disconnected. Sorry. I thought it was set on STUN! Spiritual truth through superior weapons! Standards are Wonderful! So many to pick from! Star date 274.23.4 Beamed dowm for a pee.. Stationary mice have bigger balls. Stewardess, quick hand me that Bush Bag! Strike any user when ready..... Success and failure can be equally disastrous. Support PROgress, not CONgress! THERE IS NO PRIZE !! TOAD - what happens to an illegally parked frog. Tact is knowing how far to go in going too far. Talk is cheap because Supply exceeds Demand ... Talk is cheap... till you hire a lawyer. That's Mister Idiot to you! The Anita Hill doll: Pull string; talks in ten years. The Bigger the Drive,the more Junk Collected The Lab called: your brain is ready. The PEGASUS PROJECT...the Next GeneratioN The Ross Perot Watch-you get wound up, it stops running The more known about people, the more to admire in dogs. The new macho test: proving WEB wrong. The road to success is under construction ... The scenery only changes for the lead dog ... There are myriad ways to remove the epidermis of felines There is a plot afoot to make me think I'm paranoid! There's an exception to every rule . . . except this one. There's not enough sax and violins on television. This is a fried egg on drugs. Any questions? This is as usefull as underarm deodorant for snakes. This is not a joke. Please ignore it. This is weird. Very weird. I like it. This mind intentionally left blank. Three can keep a secret, if two are dead. Time flies when you don't know what you're doing. Time for culture -- Gone CHOPIN, BACH in a MINUET... Tis merely a flesh wound! To ERR is human. To blame others is Politics... To be human without passion is to be dead. To our wives and sweethearts: May they NEVER meet! Today Mickey Mouse denied he wears a Dan Quale watch! Tourist Season : When it's OK to shoot them. Trespassers will be shot; Survivors will be shot again! Tuna doesn't taste the same without the dolphin. Underneath all these clothes I'm completely naked! Urinalysis - The study of Pissed Off People. Vuja De: The feeling you've never been here before. WINTER is Nature's way of saying, Up Yours! WOMEN = Weird Obnoxious Male Enticing Nymphs Walk softly and carry a fully charged Phazer. Wanted: Guillotine operator. Chance to get ahead. War is God's way of teaching us geography. Was this post pay for view? I've already seen it! We don't need no education . . . We have met the enemy and he is us. We have secretly replaced the Dilithium with Foldgers We now return to our regularly scheduled name calling. We who laugh, survive! We'll burn that bridge when we get to it. We've replaced the Dilithium with new Folgers Crystals! We've upped our standards...Now, Up Yours! Welcome to Maine. Now go home. Well paint me green and call me Gumby! Wench: What you use to turn the head of a dolt. What has four legs and an arm?......... A happy pit bull. What if the world was flat? What is it Spock!.......Hell if I know! What you permit you promote! What's another word for Thesaurus? What? Monday again! Didn't we have that last week? When I want your opinion, I'll read your entrails. When You make a mistake, lie about it. When in doubt, make it configurable. When in doubt, make it sound convincing! When puns are outlawed only outlaws will have puns. When the going gets tough, the tough go to lunch! Who says Prayer doesn't work ?? Who wants the gold? It's the RAINBOW I am after!! Who would imagine that iý = -1? Why can't women remember to leave the seat up? Why did I cut my hair, I look like a squirrel.... Why don't lawyers lie on the beach? Cats would bury them. Wide awake in dreamland Winter is natures way of saying UP YOURS! Wisecrack explodes. Prodigy crashes. Film at 11:00. With half my brain tied behind my back... Women, you can't live with them, and sheep can't cook! Wonder is the foundation of philosophy, ignorance the end... Words are cheap ... and so am I. You NEVER want to shake hands with Mr. Electricity.... You tell 'em Banana, You've been skinned. You'll get what's coming to you . . . unless it's mailed. You're a loser when your dog gets a new best friend. You're an old timmer if you eat radio dinners! You're fat when your main squeeze is the door frame. You're sick and twisted. I like that! [sigh] Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be ... ¯ Coup de grace -- French for lawnmower? É™» Doc DeBug was here É™»