|08...|07....|15feel the power|07......|08....... |09 We hack, crack, and pirate all sorts of Public Domain software. ^9 My other computer is a ^7VAX |04Holly! |05Holly! |12My Kingdom for a night with |04Holly!!!! ^3"^5MEOW^3"...^4SPLAT^3..."^5RUFF^3"...^4SPLAT^3...^5[Raining cats & dogs] ^2Windows: Ability to screw up 2 things at the same time. ^3of the emergency broadcast system... This is only a test! ^2"Manners are aquired, not inherited." ^5-S. Penn ^2Buy Canadian, Unless you can find it cheaper in the States. ^2California is a fine place to live in, if you happen to be an orange. ^5Grunt ^4Grunt ^3Grunt ^4Grunt ^5Grunt ^2Coldcut ^4Grunt ^3Grunt ^5Grunt ^2"Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" ^5[DD] ^2No one who speaks German can be an evil man. ^5[Homer Simpson] End