---------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61áe * You can leave color-menu now without saving by pressing ESC. * Included fill-colors (for message-window in which user can enter a message for sysop asking him to change the password. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61áf * PgDwn, PgUp, HOME and END work now in the color-choice menu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61ág * Color support completely rewritten. Now you can see what you are changing! * If exist in text-directory, the file DOBFAIL.A?? will be showed to the user after he failed the DOB-check. * From now on saving in AUQCFG.EXE is done when leaving it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61áh * Possibility to set a flag after failed DOB-check. * Possibility for special level for sysops. * Clear-screen problem solved (I hope). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61ái * Levels up to 64000 possible. * Possibility to set flag after answering/changing questions. * Possibility to set flag after successfull DOB-check. * Possibility to stay in AUQCFG after you choosed to exit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61ák * Bug solved with adjusting sysop-level. * You not only can turn on flags, you now van turn them off to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61ál * Bugs found in configuration part of AUQCFG solved. * Making the Configuration-part a bit more readible... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61ám * New way of birtday-input. Not perfect yet but a lot easier already...:-) * Bug found! If set DOb-check to 'Y' but 'number of calls' to 0 you would get a "divided error". Solved now. Setting 'number of calls' to 0 means "no DOB-check". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.61 * New Release!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.61a * added the EMPTYFLD.PEX. This Pex cleans all the fields in the user-record. This way Auquest asks these information again and puts all the answers in the right fields.