Here it is, the CHKUP.BAT file that WORKS! It ASSUMES the following: - You are doing all this on Drive C: - You configured SFCHKUP to use C:\CHKUP1 for your upload path - Your Anti-Virus files are in C:\UTILS, except for ThunderByte.. ..Thunderbyte Anti-Virus 'likes' to install itself to C:\TBAV - PKUNZIP, and all other files used here are in a directory specified in the file path of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This batch file is written to use the following Anti-Virus programs: McAfee's Scan for DOS (c) McAfee, Inc F-Protect Anti-Virus (c) Frisk Software Int'l ThunderByte Anti-Virus (c) Thunderbyte B.V. AVScan Anti-Virus (c) H+BEDV Datentecknik GmbH The routines are marked in the file, you can delete the ones you don't use, and add others if you use them. The only requirement is that the line: IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO TEST_OK is the LAST line after ALL anti-virus programs have run. You will NEED: Spitfire BBS (naturally) (c) Mike Woltz The latest version of SFCHKUP (c) Mike Woltz DELXCEPT.COM (c) Mike Woltz ReComment (RECOM.EXE) (c) Michael C. Loewen If you are using DOS prior to 6.0 you will need MUV.EXE (c) Mike Woltz in place of the MS DOS command MOVE. DELXCEPT is a handy utility to DELete all files eXCEPT those specified. DELXCEPT *.ZIP will delete all files except .ZIP files, for example. RECOM uses an ASCII file called COMMENT.FIL to add your comment to the uploaded file. This batch file assumes you have this file in your C:\UTILS directory. You can make a COMMENT.FIL with an ANSI draw program and save it in ACSII format. It will be seen when the file is unzipped. GREAT way to advertise!! :) Change the paths and drives to fit your system, and of course, follow the docs for SFCHKUP! This file checks .ZIP files only. You can modify it to use any compression format you want, just edit the batch file to your needs. Your comments, questions, or suggestions are always welcome. Contact: John Partipilo The LYONS Den BBS, Lyons, IL (708) 442-8117 Or post it on SFNET!