FILENAME = DAILY.TXT 07/03/95 WHAT'S THE PROBLEM, ANYWAY? Do you run a multi-node Wildcat! BBS? Good! You're running the best of the best. But.. if you are tired of having all your activity log files intermixed when they get sent to the printer, there are three ways you can handle this problem. 1) Ignore it, and just keep trying to figure out who did what on which node. 2) Save all the logs and dump them out to the printer in node order once a day or so. 3) Read the rest of this file. Because.. if you're like me, you want to know in real time what your callers are doing on your board. It would sure be nice if there was a way to get all the logs printed out so that each nodes call was separate and distinct from the other calls. Well, guess what? This document will tell you how to do just that! WHAT"S REQUIRED TO MAKE THIS WORK? First, you need to modify your POSTCALL.RUN file with the following lines - don't worry about the comments - there's a clean copy of the file in this archive under the name POSTCALL. RUN Second, if you use wcPRO to create a set of statistics for your BBS, you will need to run a DAILY.BAT file to get all the activity logs in order before wcPRO runs. Third, you need to create some dummy files in your \WILDCAT directory. That's it! OK, here's what you do in your POSTCALL.RUN file: ------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE POSTCALL.RUN @ECHO OFF REM POSTCALL.RUN for Node 1 REM This prints the activity log AFTER the call is completed. REM C1 = per call activity log for the node. REM L1 = the total activity log for the node for the day. >>>NOTE: My \WILDCAT directory lives on server drive S: so be sure to change the paths shown here to reflect your system! REM First we copy the completed call log to the node activity log. copy S:\wildcat\activity.c1 + S:\wildcat\activity.1 S:\wildcat\activity.l1 >>>NOTE: What we are doing here is to copy the activity log for the call just completed plus the holding file which contains all the previous calls for the day to a temporary file. Be sure to change the number 1 wherever it appears in this file to the number of the node you are using this with or strange things will happen! REM Now we rename it so we can do it again at the end of the next call. del S:\wildcat\activity.c1 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l1 activity.c1 >>>NOTE: Now we delete the days holding file and rename the temp file we just created to become the holding file. We have just added the last call to the rest of the day's call. Note that the activity log still exists. REM Print the activity log for the last call. echo ÿ>LPT1 echo NODE 1 CALLER LOG >lpt1 type S:\wildcat\activity.1 >lpt1 >>>NOTE: OK! We just printed the entire last call in one unbroken printout complete with a blank line before the printout, and we even added the node number to the printout to positively identify it! >>>NOTE: Here's a "Gotcha!" See that "echo >LPT1" ? Well, those are NOT simply two blank spaces between the "echo" and the "LPT1". This line will print a blank line on the printer. Ever tried to print a blank line? To do that, you actually sent the printer the command: "echo " However, the "255" MUST be typed on the NUMBER PAD, and NOT on the keys on the top of the keyboard. You hold down the key and type the numbers "2 5 5" on the number pad - with the NUM LOCK on, naturally. If you don't want a line skipped, then just delete the line and forget this whole section. >>>WARNING!: If you edit this file (and you will) be sure to use an editor that will not strip off the high bits or your blank line will not print! REM Now we clear the log for the next call. del S:\wildcat\activity.1 >>>NOTE: Now we delete the activity log, since we have archived it and printed it out. The next call will create a brand new one. Note that if for some reason this batch file does not run, the activity log for this call will get printed out and archived with the log for the next call coming in on this node, so nothing will be lost. :END -------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE DAILY.BAT This needs to be run before you run wcPRO to create the statistics file for your bbs. Remember, at this point, the activity logs do not exist - all the logs are stored in the ACTIVITY.Cn files. There may also be a failed print- out of one of the activity logs, so we need to clear that out as well and archive it if it exists. OK, here goes! @echo off REM FILENAME = DAILY.BAT Updated 03-06-95 REM This file does the daily statistics run, prints error reports and REM other misc. housekeeping chores. REM These next few routines handle the activity logs. It's rather screwed up REM 'cause we have hidden them from Wildcat! so we can print the entire REM call at once after the caller logs off. We have to straighten things REM out before we can run WCPRO.. REM Get to the right place to start.. s: cd\ cd s:\wildcat >>>NOTE: I just like to be SURE I am where things are supposed to be run from. REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 1 copy S:\wildcat\activity.c1 + S:\wildcat\activity.1 S:\wildcat\activity.l1 del S:\wildcat\activity.c1 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l1 activity.c1 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 1 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.1 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.1 >>>NOTE: Recognize this? It's the same thing we did after each call. We do this just in case there is an activity log which failed to make it to the printer and did not get archived. As shown below, we repeat this procedure for each node. REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 2 copy S:\wildcat\activity.c2 + S:\wildcat\activity.2 S:\wildcat\activity.l2 del S:\wildcat\activity.c2 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l2 activity.c2 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 2 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.2 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.2 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 3 copy S:\wildcat\activity.c3 + S:\wildcat\activity.3 S:\wildcat\activity.l3 del S:\wildcat\activity.c3 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l3 activity.c3 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 3 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.3 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.3 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 4 Personal Machine copy S:\wildcat\activity.c4 + S:\wildcat\activity.4 S:\wildcat\activity.l4 del S:\wildcat\activity.c4 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l4 activity.c4 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 4 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.4 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.4 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 5 copy s:\wildcat\activity.c5 + s:\wildcat\activity.5 s:\wildcat\activity.l5 del s:\wildcat\activity.c5 ren s:\wildcat\activity.l5 activity.c5 echo ÿ >prn echo NODE 5 CALLER LOG CLEANUP>prn type s:\wildcat\activity.5 >prn del s:\wildcat\activity.5 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 6 on Wildcat! Server copy s:\wildcat\activity.c6 + s:\wildcat\activity.6 s:\wildcat\activity.l6 del s:\wildcat\activity.c6 ren s:\wildcat\activity.l6 activity.c6 echo ÿ >prn echo NODE 6 CALLER LOG CLEANUP>prn type s:\wildcat\activity.6 >prn del s:\wildcat\activity.6 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 7 copy S:\wildcat\activity.c7 + S:\wildcat\activity.7 S:\wildcat\activity.l7 del S:\wildcat\activity.c7 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l7 activity.c7 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 7 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.7 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.7 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 8 copy S:\wildcat\activity.c8 + S:\wildcat\activity.8 S:\wildcat\activity.l8 del S:\wildcat\activity.c8 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l8 activity.c8 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 8 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.8 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.8 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 9 copy S:\wildcat\activity.c9 + S:\wildcat\activity.9 S:\wildcat\activity.l9 del S:\wildcat\activity.c9 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l9 activity.c9 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 9 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.9 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.9 REM Activity Log Cleanup for Node 10 copy S:\wildcat\activity.c10 + S:\wildcat\activity.10 S:\wildcat\activity.l10 del S:\wildcat\activity.c10 ren S:\wildcat\activity.l10 activity.c10 echo ÿ>prn echo NODE 10 CALLER LOG CLEANUP >prn type S:\wildcat\activity.10 >prn del S:\wildcat\activity.10 REM Now we rename all the Activity Logs so that WCPRO can find them. ren activity.c1 activity.1 ren activity.c2 activity.2 ren activity.c3 activity.3 ren activity.c4 activity.4 ren activity.c5 activity.5 ren activity.c6 activity.6 ren activity.c7 activity.7 ren activity.c8 activity.8 ren activity.c9 activity.9 ren activity.c10 activity.10 >>>NOTE: We renamed all the archived logs for the day to activity logs so that wcPRO can process them. copy activity.s* activity.x* >>>NOTE: We have copied all the SAVED LOG files to temporary files. REM Now we add todays logs to the log save files. copy activity.x1 + activity.1 activity.s1 >>>NOTE: Now we copy todays log file data to the mail log archive which is the SAVE file (ACTIVITY.Snn). We do this for as many nodes as we have. copy activity.x2 + activity.2 activity.s2 copy activity.x3 + activity.3 activity.s3 copy activity.x4 + activity.4 activity.s4 copy activity.x5 + activity.5 activity.s5 copy activity.x6 + activity.6 activity.s6 copy activity.x7 + activity.7 activity.s7 copy activity.x8 + activity.8 activity.s8 copy activity.x9 + activity.9 activity.s9 copy activity.x10 + activity.10 activity.s10 del activity.x* >>NOTE: Delete the temporary files. REM Do the statistics run for the day. s: cd\ cd s:\wildcat wcpro >>>NOTE: We create the daily statistics files. Note that you MUST set wcPRO to delete the activity log files after it runs, and use history files internally. That's it - except for what happens when you decide to archive or delete the ACTIVITY.Snn files. To prevent a DOS copy error, you have to have on your hard drive the ACTIVITY.NN logs to start with, but they need only contain a single space character for things to work. Create in your \WILDCAT directory the following dummy files: ACTIVITY Q1 ACTIVITY Q2 ACTIVITY Q3 ACTIVITY Q4 ACTIVITY Q5 ACTIVITY Q6 ACTIVITY Q7 ACTIVITY Q8 ACTIVITY Q9 ACTIVITY Q10 Here's a batch file that will archive all your saved logs and reset the activity log files to start all over again for the next reporting period: -------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off echo This program copies a dummy file to all nodes to begin echo the activity log after the .SA* files have been copied and deleted. echo ÿ pause dir activity.* echo Preparing to create ZIPPED activity logs pause pkzip activity.s* -! echo Ready to delete old activity logs! pause copy activity.Q* activity.s* dir activity.* echo Rename LOGS.ZIP for monthly dates and copy to floppy then delete LOGS.ZIP. -------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>NOTE: Three things should be done before you run your newly modified POSTCALL.RUN files for the first time: 1) Run the archive batch file (above) to create the "S" files from the "Q" files so you don't get a DOS copy error when you run the DAILY.BAT for the first time. 2) Rename your activity log files to ACTIVITY.Cnn files,otherwise, when you run the POSTCALL.RUN the first time, it will print out the entire days activity log! 3) Turn your printer setting at each Wildcat! node idle screen to OFF. The POSTCALL.RUN file will handle printing the logs for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, that's it! I hope this utility will help you, the overworked Sysop to be able to read those important activity logs just a bit faster. If you have any comments or questions about this archive, I can be contacted at: The Energy Machine Information System 504-733-8380 - node 1 504-733-3462 - node 2