******* THE I-MAIL MESSAGER ******* WARRANTY, SUPPORT & REGISTRATION INFORMATION PRODUCT WARRANTY There isn't much to say here except the usual stuff. But to make sure there are no misunderstandings this is it: 1) You may use this program in it's unregistered form for as long you want. There are no time limits or other demands. If you and your users don't need more than 5 e-mail addresses then you've got yourself a free program, with our approval. 2) Life itself has no guarantees so why should we give you one for this program. Use it entirely at your own risk. If it works, good! If not, too bad! We are not taking any responsibility for anything that happens to your BBS, your users and/or their e-mail as a result of you installing it. Besides, do a backup once in awhile and you won't have to worry about it. 3) Installing this program will take up more space on your computer's hard disk than our zip file did. PRODUCT SUPPORT Since this is an Internet e-mail product we're going to assume that you and your BBS have access to the internet. Therefore all replies to support questions, registration keys and programs updates will be sent this way. Program updates will only be sent to registered users. Contact us at: SUPPORT@CHALLENGE.COM If you want to spend money on long-distance phone calls you can also contact us via our BBS at: 604-521-7003 (4 Lines-All 28,800) Messages To: THE STAFF (Not Sysop) All support and installation questions will be promptly answered. It is available to everyone using our product. You do NOT have to be a registered user to contact us for help. So, if you need it contact us. We want you to use the program even if you never plan to register and pay us for it. JUST LIKE OUR UNBRANDED SOFTWARE-A FIRST IN THIS BUSINESS, WE SUPPORT ALL USERS AT NO CHARGE. Will the "rest of them" ever dare to it? Or will it continue to be $$$ first and support as an afterthought for "them"? But do remember registered users get absolute immediate priority support always. REGISTERING OUR PRODUCT Registering will lift the block on the limit of 5 names & addresses to 130 names & addresses. The key is tied to your BBS name AND Wildcat Registration Number in the file MAKEWILD.DAT. If you change your BBS name, just e-mail us your old and new name and we will e-mail you back a new key the same day, at no charge (don't do this every month please). REGISTERING OUR PRODUCT (Cont.) We will NOT however, accept any change in your Wildcat Registration Number. Mustang has told us they never change that number. So don't ask. That way we won't have to say NO. There are 2 ways to register: 1) Pay $15.00 U.S. and getting a commercial version. NOTE: Registered U-Net Messager Sysops Pay Only $8.00 2) Prove to us your BBS itself is part of an Active Registered Mainstream Charity Or Christian Religious Organization and get it for free. Active means currently on-going & full-time. Registered means registered as a charity or religious organization under tax laws in the U.S. or Canada. Mainstream means something that is known. If you run some kinko charity for the hard of hearing on mondays see #1. Christian means the organization is based solely on The Bible including Old and New Testaments. Nothing Else-No Additions. PAYING THE BUCKS Canadian banks (like their late next-of-kin the dinosaurs) think anyone depositing unsigned Visa or Mastercard credit card slips is a criminal. This means we can not accept payment & registration via our BBS or the Internet. Therefore the only way to register and pay for the program is via the post office. Exciting thought isn't it. Sorry! So please complete the form on the next page and mail it to us. We will ship your key back to you via internet e-mail (or leave it on our BBS if you call & ask) within hours of getting your registration and payment. If you can, please send us an e-mail note telling us you've mailed off your registration. To our Canadian friends please note that we accept only U.S. $$$ Northern Pesos are not welcome-NO EXCEPTIONS. GOING FOR THE FREEBIE Don't fill out the form. Do it all via e-mail. Send us the request with the complete details of your organization plus the info. in the form (how else can we send you a key) and we'll get back to you right away. Our friend at the C.I.A. does get busy at times so verification can take a few days (yes they still have lots to do). THE REGISTRATION FORM BBS Name :_____________________________________________________ Wildcat Version :____________ (4.01, 4.10 or 4.11) Wildcat Reg. Number:____-_______ BBS Phone Number :_____________________________ (Including Area Code) Internet Address :_____________________________________________________ Street Address :_____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip :_____________________________________________________ Contact Name(Sysop):_____________________________________________________ Reg. U-Net User :_______ (Yes or No) PRINT CLEARLY-DON'T WRITE IT OTHERWISE WE'LL GET IT WRONG AND YOUR KEY WON'T WORK Make The $15.00 Payment ($8.00 For Registered U-Net Sysops) In U.S. Funds By Money Order Or Bank Draft Payable To Challenge Business Systems. CHEQUES (CHECKS) NOT ACCEPTED Comments,Notes,Etc:______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ MAIL THIS FORM WITH YOUR MONEY ORDER OR BANK DRAFT IN U.S. FUNDS TO: Challenge Business Systems 7292 11th Avenue Burnaby, B.C. Canada V3N 2M8