Updated: (06/15/95) We need some more Beta testers and distribution sites for our software. Basically, we want to assure people that the software that they obtain from TNT Software will be bug-free and it will be available no further than a couple states away (unless, of course, you're in Japan). If you would like to be a distribution or a Beta site for TNT Software and test the latest and greatest TAG utilities, FREQ "BETA" from 1:2410/480 and then Netmail the Application back to me. If you would like updates on what's in the works at TNT, FREQ "TNTSOFT" perodically from 1:2410/480. It will tell you the latest news about what new programs are in the works and the latest versions of everything and what/where you can FREQ them as. TNT on the Internet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Point your WWW browser to the following URLs! http://metro.turnpike.net/metro/I/inferno/tnt.html (TNT Software) http://metro.turnpike.net/metro/I/inferno/index.html (Joe McElmeel) http://metro.turnpike.net/metro/I/inferno/tagbbs.html (TAG's homepage!) Anoter note about the JAM subject lines: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It has been confirmed that the JAM subject lines were indeed a T.A.G. problem, and will definitely be fixed in the next release of T.A.G. News on TAGMate v1.50: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAGMate v1.50 is going to rule -- I will be adding a feature in it called "USERS", and basically it will be a top uploaders, top downloaders, top callers, and so on except it will run faster than anything ever before (at least I hope it will). I will also be expanding on the idea of the "LogPhone" command. Possibly a shorter version of a SysOp log? Like, one that tells you only illegal logons, chat requests and what not (kind of like David Mitchell's old SHORTLOG util). Any other ideas, questions, comments, bug reports, and so on - E-Mail me! Joe McElmeel FidoNet: 1:2410/480 inferno@gatecom.com