Updates: v1.3 ù Bug : Registration Codes are now valid. ù New Feature : Multi-Mail ù New Feature : Carbon Copy ù Bug : "POST" to ALL instead of one person ù Bug : New Quickscan which bypassed next sub after recieving messages ù Bug : Array Overflow when using Newscan and it goes past the QWK number ù Bug : Screen re-draw error, locate misplaced. v1.4 Release #1 ù New Feature : Dual Topic Message Areas (Active/InActive). ù New Feature : Contains MNU and FB files for greater compatability between VOLMR and VBBS (c). ù Bug : Fixed NewScan so it wouldn't pass by subs with 1 message. ù Bug : Fixed the NewScan so it WILL mark messages as READ. Release #2 ù New Feature : (M) command. Now allows you to search all posts to you, and to "ALL". ù Bug : Fixed VEDIT string corrupt errors, seems it can't make a 0 spaces. :) ù New Feature : For ease of use, I added (and now I'll document) 3 DOS Shells. Press the F5 key while at the MAIN PROMPT, READING MESSAGES, or ENTERING/EDITING MESSAGES. ù New Feature : Added usage of MAIN.ANS or START.ANS files instead of MNU files. Also added array support for (MNU) MENU files. Release #3 ù Bug : Fixed the - Scan posts to you - feature ù New Feature : Searches for QW? (? being any character) ù New Feature : HELLO & GOODBYE files are now ANSI & VBBS HEART colors. ù New Feature : VOLMR has a /MEM switch, which runs a smaller VEDIT allowing users with low amounts of Memory to run VOLMR ù New Feature : ! New Dictionary ! The Previous Dictionaries, VCHECK.DAT & VCHECKUR.DAT, are now obsolete. I'm sorry for the trouble. But modifing the Databases as we did, we can now save « a meg of HD space. Please note: The 'suggest feature' (the key) in VCHECK is moderately slow. 40 seconds for a "no find" on a 486DX33 v1.5 Release #1 ù New Feature : Added Support for ONELINER.TXT 'One Liners Txt file Added Support for NEWS 'Current BBS News Added Support for CALLERS.LST 'Callers of today Added Support for NETCALLS.LST 'Net calls of today Added Support for AUTOPOST.DAT 'latest autoposts ù Bug : The ">" and "<" now wrap around (from 1 to last one, etc..) ù Bug : After shell, VOLMR will now return to the temp directory automatically! (could be very devistating!) ù Bug : VCHECK's Suggest feature is now 5x faster, and works better ù Bug : doesn't display Character 12 (CLS) during Display ù New Feature : (V) when viewing posts, allow ANSI to be displayed! ù New Feature : LOG Option. LOG=ON / LOG=OFF from the command line. ù New Feature : ERROR Trapping. Instead of usual error code, a small screen will display the needed information. Release #2 ù Bug : When (R)eading Messages, the LAST MESSAGE READ would be the message number you last read in a prevous sub. ù New Feature : Color Codes in Mail Headers. Use ^C then a character. you'll see a heart, then the character. The color will be displayed if you Read the Mail that you have sent. ù New Feature : Added a DIRectorE program. It allows a user to run VOLMR without the DOS DIR CALLS, limiting it to only DOS 5.0+ Release #3: ù New Feature : New Intro Screen. I hope everyone likes it! A lot of people were asking about selectable directories, so I've added the directory list. Just to Note: Press Ctrl+Letter to switch to that drive letter. ù New Feature : Added other compression support, such as ARJ and LHA. I also have changable executables. So you may change the program name. Example, I use PKPAK, you may use XARC to un-compress a .ARC file. ù New Feature : Print Reg From from intro Screen. Press Alt+R and enjoy the computer asking all the questions, filling them in and printing it out. Very easy and quick! Release #4: ù New Feature : Now you're able to CONTINUE Sessions instead of clearing the session that you had once been in. ù New Feature : The EDIT Reply function is now working 'Y' then 'E' ù New Feature : The DELETE Reply function is now available 'Y' then 'D' ù Bug : VOLMR uses the default MNU instead of ANS files. ù New Feature : The TAGLINE now includes dd your own and o Tag If the NO TAG is selected, the tagline is on one line. ù Add on : To display ANSI/HEART screens, VOLMR now checks the entire file, if no HEART is in the file, VOLMR then displays the file rapidly. v1.6 Release #1 ù Bug : Fixed Carbon Copy to replies where it would set confnum to zero setting the Conference to 0, therefore messing up the REP packet. ù Bug : Fixed simple Screen Display problem when READing messages ù Bug : eXtract to PRN without erroring. Press "X" while viewing a message, then instead of a filename, use PRN and the message will be extracted to the printer ù New Feature : GRAB-a-TAG [G] while viewing a message. This gives you the ability to steal a tagline from the current message that you're on. Press "G" and move the blue bar down to the tagline, and press [enter]. Now you can edit/add more text to the tagline. Press [enter] agian, and the tagline will be saved in the taglines.txt file. ù New Feature : Support for EVQWK [F2] from Main Menu. If you have a packet from EVQWK, by pressing [F2], you have the option to change defualts, join and unjoin from subs, reset high scan pointers, and other options. ù New Feature : Search for a Tagline on Tag Screen. This is very useful when you're looking for a tagline, in particular, for the message you just saved. ù Bug : Display 255|Your replies -to- QWK Number|Sub Name. When you press "Y" to read your replies, VOLMR used to display "255|Your Replies" instead of QWK Number|Sub Name. Fixed. ù New Feature : Make Heart code NOT count (15 chars total) for Quoter. So you may make your QUOTER 5 different characters, and 5 different colors. Also, %I will display the users initials. ù New Feature : Handle Filter - Get rid of Annoying people's posts in the HANDLE.NOT file. Just open the file, and type in their handle/name, exactly as volmr displays it. ù New Feature : Message Filter, get rid of >>BAD<< words in the LANGUAGE.NOT file. For those people that just can't seem to keep a clean mouth, VOLMR will clean it for them. VOLMR takes a rude word and replaces it with red "*"s. ù Bug : Have Quoter report "Ce" instead of "C#" for "Cesar #209 @1614017" If you use the "%I" option in the quoter. ù Bug : Now "<" without EMAIL will go to last Sub Number (Scroll Back) The "PREVBASE" command now works with both active and inactive subs ù New Feature : Alias name in VOLMR.CFG. In the Preferences screen, a new command, ALIAS NAME will allow you to search for POSTS TO YOU/ALL and the ALIAS NAME. Example: If you use a handle on your current board, type your real name in the ALIAS name box, and now if you recieve a post to your handle OR your name, VOLMR will detect it. ù Bug : Any Editor will work to make/edit messages. Had a problem that VEDIT wanted to dominate VOLMR. So I wrote a few routines to allow other EDITORS, definable in the preferences screen ù Bug : Language Filter shouldn't display "P***" & "S****" for "PASS" & "SHELL". Even though VOLMR sees PASS and SHELL as DIRTY words, some of us may not, so I re-programmed the LANGUAGE FILTER to allow those words, and words like them ù Bug : Ctrl/T displayed THR instead of THU (Spelling error) ù Bug : Do not display header during search [R] [S]. On some computers (like mine), to display the header took way too much time, so I only display the header when it finds the word being looked for ù Bug : Do not display header during Post to You [M] [P]. Same reason as no header display for searches ù Bug : On Intro Screen: CD-ROM drive or WRITE PROTECTED drives do work now. Hint: Don't open a QWK file on one though. ù Bug : Trim Tagline, so no wrap around on the message. ù Bug : When 'R'ead, and [enter], the incorrect number is given to the computer (reads the wrong message). When you [ENTER], it would print the write number, but go to a different number, usually off by 1. ù New Feature : Multi-area search for Words/Phrases [F8] from Main Menu Just like [R]ead [S]earch, but this will search though all of the conferences. ù Bug : Hi-lite (Search) found words when color is on that line ù Bug : Hi-lite (Search) found words in header also ù New Feature : Toggle  code color in messsages ("T" while displaying messages) ù Bug : Main Prompt # input was invalid. If there were 4 subs, by pressing 5-9 the main input prompt would fail and cause an error. Fixed. Release #2 ù Bug : !! Emergency Release !! Beta Date was wrong! Release #3 ù Bug : Abort Search (by pressing any key) causes mis-print of header ù Bug : When "E" or "P" from Main menu, VOLMR would ERROR ù Bug : When [F8], VOLMR would display the Main Menu for no reason ù Bug : Press 'Y' w/o any replies & it'd error. ù Bug : Bulletins listing was on wrong line ù Bug : After you read 'Y' and hit [enter], Volmr dumps you in [255] Your Replies When you 'D' or 'E' a reply ù Bug : DISPLAY problem, EMAIL doesn't write over other titles when 'Y' ù Bug : Spell Checker memory problem ù New Feature : File Transfer Request is complete ù Bug : Scan doesn't work with only one message ù Bug : "Y" in IN-ACTIVE Topic would report No replies (even though) ù Bug : "Q" while viewing replies asks to post on different Sub ù Bug : "*CC:" colors are wrong ù Bug : If no Message Areas are Present, state "Message Areas" not "Topic Areas" Release #4 (official release) [non-beta tested] ù Bug : Added prompts for those who have expert mode off ù New Feature : Definable colors ("C") from the Intro Screen ù New Feature : Language Filter is able to be toggled (L while message is being displayed) ù New Feature : Multi-Menu function, press F3 from Main Menu ù New Feature : Function Key Help, F1 from Main Menu -- VEDIT -- ù Bug : After Shell, Redraw the screen ù New Feature : Ctrl+Y/Ctrl+X/Enter doesn't redraw the screen until you're done ù Bug : When typing in a line that's already been typed, keep the same color as the line was (w/o [INS] mode) ù New Feature : Make Vedit say "NO" to ABORT.TXT if aborted message ù Bug : Ctrl/Z while editing MACROS had big display problems! ù Bug : Ctrl/Z deletes line (Ctrl/Y delete)