08/29/95 Registration Doc's Revisions only! 07/28/95 Reworked some com routines for other type's of BBS software that uses "Door.sys", but does not follow standard completly. Basically, If com port is 0, then all other com values are now set to "NULL". Corrected more minor typo's in secure.exe program. Security Check! will now run in local mode if a config file is NOT specified. All fields will be filled with dummy info. However, if a sysop enters a config file with a wrong name, Security Check! will error out and report your problem to the error.log. 07-19-95 Corrected some minor typo's in both Config.exe and the main program Secure.exe. Although Security Check would break the connection and drop carrier between a Romote caller and the Local end (BBS) when a caller failed any question, I was allowing Local mode callers, (Sysops) to continue logging on to the BBS. Well, this gave the appearence to some Sysops that the program would not "Drop Carrier". Well, Folks, you can't Dropped Carrier on someone that is not calling through a Com Port. Therefore I now force Security Check to return to the BBS when anyone fails the any question for either Local or Remote callers. Caught a problem with the [F1] key in Secure.exe, if someone hit this key, it would blank the screen.... FIXED! Forgot to take out the Error trapping routine for the [ESC] key in Config.exe causing the program stop in the middle of creating a config file.... FIXED!