Information on the Required new registration code: One last time.... I switched from a 3rd party registration coding routine, to my own code. This affords me better control, and also allows me to offer a MASTER code, for ALL my programs. And YES, a MASTER code is available now. See ORDER.FRM If you are currently a registered user of RASIS, you MUST obtain a new, current code, or version 2.02 will run in UNREGISTERED mode. Due to the increase of RASIS users, I could not just send out new codes, some people move, some do not want RASIS anymore (?????) and so on. I posted a message in the international RA_UTIL echo, but only had a few users reply, and get their new code. If you need the new code, cut out the following section, and send it to me via Netmail or regular mail, or you can upload as a PVT message to the BBS. [....cut here....] RASIS CODE UPGRADE User Name : ________________________________________ (Your REAL name) Sysop Name : ________________________________________ (name as used in previous registration) Voice Phone : _________________________________________ Current Reg # _________________________________________ **************************************************************************** The new code uses your Sysop or Real Name AND The BBS System Name, please supply the information here, for your Registration Code. Information is case SENSITIVE, and must match what you install in RASIS.CFG **************************************************************************** Registered Name: __________________________________________________ (35 Characters Maximum) System Name : ___________________________________________________ (35 Characters Maximum) How will you retreive your code? CRASH Mail to : __________________________________________ (Fidonet Only!) Will POLL for code, From: _______________________________________ Will download from BBS as: _______________________________________ IF you choose to download from BBS, the code info will be attached to a PVT message addressed to you. If you do not have an account here, a temporary one will be created, please give Name to create account for, and password. Account Name: ______________________________________________ BBS Password: _______________________________________________ (5 chars minimum, 15 maximum) [...cut here again....] Mail above to: Netmail - 1:215/710 Ground - RaLin Enterprises 4641 Wheeler Dr. Fremont, Ca. 94538-1937 BBS - 1-510-226-7731 (14.4 v32b) My voice # : 1-510-651-6177 (no codes over the voice phone!) In most cases, your new code package will be generated same day, and made ready or sent to you. But to be safe, please allow 24 hours for processing.