----------------------------------------------------------- BOB NUP - WC CODE Application for Wildcat 4.11, 4.10, 4.01 ----------------------------------------------------------- NUP = NEW USER PROTECTION -------------------------------- At last.., the wait is over! The ULTIMATE NUP for Wildcat BBS systems is here! What a marvelous NUP it is! What is a NUP? Basically, it is a graphical security enhancement system for every Wildcat 4.01, 4.10 & 4.11 BBS. The beauty of a NUP is that it is suitable for most business and hobby BBSes. What does BOB NUP do for you? ---------------------------------------------------------- Only those individuals you upgrade from NEWUSER to another level will have access to your BBS. NEWUSERs will have to request to be upgraded and then they'll have to call back to see if the sysop has decided to upgrade them or not. This trail version offers: --------------------------------------------------------- 1) An ANSI ART background with a NUP MENU. A total of 20 different backgrounds will rotate with each call. 2) The NUP MENU displays the following features: * LOGON * APPLY * CHECK * FEEDBACK * CHAT * LOGOFF Here's an explanation of those features: * LOGON - If a NEWUSER (security level) caller presses enter on this, he'll see see a message that tells him to use the APPLY (which is a questionnaire) and it advises him that it would be wise to also leave the sysop a comment (via that FEEDBACK) to speed up the "approval" process where the sysop would therefore decide to upgrade his security level of keep it at NEWUSER. NEWUSERs will never access the BBS. All other security levels will be allowed into your BBS. * APPLY - This is a custom built QUESTIONNAIRE like you have never seen before. I call this a YES/NO Questionnaire. It allows the caller to answer YES or NO in a way you have never seen applied in a WC application. When you first run this program, a file called BOB-QUES.TXT will be produced in your WC directory. This will have sample questions which you can edit file with any plain text (ascii) file editor, like the DOS editor. You can ask as many as 50 YES/NO questions if you wish. For proper display of questions, keep the questions to 79 characters long each. * CHECK - This feature allows EVERY CALLER the ability to check for personal mail. This has many uses really. For one, the NEWUSER can check for Mail from the Sysop while he is being considered for an upgraded level. But, this CHECK can also be used by someone that calls simply to check for mail. * FEEDBACK - This feature permits everyone to leave the sysop mail. * CHAT - This feature permits everyone to page the sysop when the sysop is available. * LOGOUT - Allows the caller to properly say goodbye from the NUP MENU. The order of things: ------------------------------------------------ Here's what stays the same and what the NUP does... 1) Callers enter their name and password as usual. New callers will have to fill out the usual WC questionnaire. Nothing changes there. 2) Now, the NUP starts it's job: A) The HELLO1.BBS file is shown first. B) The NUP appears. C) If the caller IS NOT a NEWUSER level caller and he chooses the LOGON, you'll exit the NUP. D) You'll see the QUOTE.BBS if it exists. E) You'll automatically check for personal mail. F) You'll automatically check for updated newsletters. G) You'll automatically check for new bulletins. Of course, if the caller is a NEWUSER, he will not get passed the NUP. His only option will be to APPLY or LOG OFF. The installation: --------------------------------------- It could not be easier.... Place the LOGON.WCX and the BOB-QUES.WCX in your Wildcat directory. DO NOT CHANGE THEIR NAMES. The files must remain with their original. Test the NUP by doing a local login. Test the APPLY (or YES/NO Questionnaire). Once you test the APPLY, it will create the the BOB-QUES.TXT text file with the sample questions. You cannot delete the BOB-QUES.TXT if you choose to use the NUP, but you can edit it and change every single question in it if you wish. Remember, you can also add questions (up to 50 questions). More details about the YES/NO questionnaire: ----------------------------------------------- Once the caller answers the questionnaire but going through the APPLY feature right down to the last question, the NUP will automatically send the SYSOP email with that callers repsonses. These ANSWERS/MAIL will be sent to the 0 conference. If your BBS supports CALLER ID, the NUP will include the phone number of that caller in the Email. The responses of that caller will also be added to the ACTIVITY LOG for permanent record keeping. About the REGISTERED VERSION: ------------------------------------------------------ If you like the BOB NUP program and wish to register it, you'll recieve the newest version registered to work on your BBS. 1) The nag screens or delays will not appear in the REGISTERED VERSION as THEY WILL in this TRIAL VERSION. 2) The REGISTERED VERSION does not have an EXPIRATION DATE as does the TRIAL VERSION. 3) The REGISTERED VERSION permits you to use YOUR OWN .BBS graphic files to give your BBS that personal look. 4) The REGISTERED VERSION comes with more graphics effects and features. 5) By registering you'll be put on our PREFERED MAILING LIST and will get WC accessory TRIAL versions before the general public does. When available, you'll also get freebie WC accessory programs. Custom versions? --------------------------------------------------------- Customization is available. Prices vary and we recommend that you write us a letter explaining what you would desire in a custom version of BOB NUP. We will then send you a quotation. - - RETURN ORDER FORM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Payments: DO NOT SEND CASH. Send MONEY ORDERS for fastest service. Checks are ok, but delay the order for 7 to 15 days. Send your $25 CHECK or MONEY ORDER along with the info on this form to: Robert Perez 7161 Southwest Fifth Street Miami, Florida 33144, U.S.A. Place your personal information here for proper processing: SHIP TO ADDRESS: (((( PROGRAM: BOB NUP REGISTERED )))) Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP ____________ Country____________________________________________________________ BBS Phone (_____)______________ VOICE Phone (_____)________________ BBS NAME _________________________________________________________ Wildcat Registration number:_______________________________________ (This number is mandatory if you want a REGISTERED COPY) Wildcat BBS version used:_______________________________________ (Very important) Diskette Size wanted: 3-1/2" or 5-1/4" (Circle one please)