Û°°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±±±²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²²²±±±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°°°Û Û ALL PROGRAM LISTING Û Û (C) COPYRIGHT 1995 BLACK HOLE SYSTEMS SOFTWARE MIAMI,FL 33157 Û Û ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PHONE (305)233-1946 BBS (305)383-8899 Û Û°°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±±±²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²²²±±±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°°°Û THEEDITR....A Sysop Editor and file Viewer that uutilizes the sysops favorite editor. The Configure file lists up to ten regularly edited and viewed files with the ability to access any file on the bbs system for edit,view or print. THECOMT.... A Comment Program to issue comments into proper 4 separate conferences configuarable by the user. The named areas are placed on the menu so user can choose which conference area they wish to leave their message. The areas may be all different or the sysop may just name the conference areas to whatever they desire and put all messages into only one conference area. The TO: on all messages will be the sysop of that specific conference. THEBANKR....A Time bank with sysop Utiltiy. Uses its own data base to store info. Configuarable maximum Balance and maximum withdrawls and deposits per day. Makes a colorized bulletin as well as a userlist. THEPAGER....A paging program that allows for configurable access to special page which forces a page to sysop by password and access by security level set in a seperate file as well as availability hours. THEGOOD.....A configurable goodbye program that allows user to do many functions before they end their online session. Configurable to a Hard or Soft logoff by Sysop. THECALL.....A Call-Back verifier and sysop Utility to upgrade users upon completing connection.Uses it's own database for information storeage.Takes all existing numbers from your wildcat! user database and inclused it in it's own. This way, there is no fear of changing callback verifiers in mid-stream. Configuralbe to call long distance if the sysop desires. Hours for long distance callback is also configurable. THEADULT....An Automated Adult Area Access Function that brings the user through a series of steps that they must complete in order to gain access into the adult area. Uses it's own Data Base as well. Has sysop utility to edit Data Base and print user listing. Also keeps own log and notifies user and SYSOP on the users status. THELISTR....This program is a replacement for Wildcat's wcclist.This is a Graphical and IN DEPTH look into a BBS.The questions asked will give the user a good Idea if they want to call this bbs. Keeps it's own Data and is a good looking GUI for your users. Look for all of these programs in the MSI BBS or feel free to call our bbs at (305) 383-8899 or FREQ "THE" through Fidonet at 1:135/9. You can also register by phone at 1-800-330-3668. You may register online at our bbs with Visa or Mastercard. You may fax your order TOLL FREE to 1-800-673-3221 using the REGISTRATION.TXT that should be in this package. Why regsiter ? All of our SHAREWARE programs are not crippled in any fashion. The registered versions however will have added functions in them. We will inform you of any update information. To register one program is a $7.50 charge. To register all of these programs the cost is $25.00 for a limited time. If you register them all, you will also get the next issue free of charge. There is a slight additional charge for using Mastercard of Visa of 2.00 for the Complete package and $.50 for single registrations. All programs were done in wccode 4.11 Source Code is available at a price. BLACK HOLE SYSTEMS SOFTWARE /\/\ichael /\/\attaway