******* THE U-NET MESSAGER ******* (c) Copyright - Challenge Business Systems Burnaby, B.C. Canada May, 1995 All Rights Reserved IMPORTANT SYSOP SETUP/CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ******* THE U-NET MESSAGER ******* ******* THE U-NET MESSAGER ******* SYSTEM SETUP & CONFIGURATION This file deals only with setting up the U-Net Messager for the first time, after installing the U-Net Messager programs, as per UNETINST.TX. For details on how to operate The U-Net Editor and The U-Net Purge programs see the file UNETSYS.TXT. Before your users can access the U-Net Messager you must first create the index and datafiles. This process is easy and straight forward. We have setup most of the process to be automatic so it shouldn't take long. 1) From your Sysop Menu select the U-Net Editor. The program will detect that this your first time into the program and take the following steps,. A) It will create 3 files and place them in the U-Net Messager directory. These are: UNETGRP.DAT, UNETGRP.IDX & UNETSRT.IDX B) All of your UseNet Conferences must be added to the UNETGRP.DAT datafile. After successfully creating the above files the system ask you if you want your UseNet Conferences automatically added to this file. Press "Y" for YES-Auto-Add Them Or "N" For NO-Do NOT Auto-Add them. We recommend you press Y for YES. If your copy of the U-Net Messager is UN-Registered the program will add the first 5 UseNet conferences you have defined via Wildcat's Makewild program. If your copy of the U-Net Messager is a Registered version all of your UseNet conferences defined with Wildcat's Makewild program will added, to a maximum of 3,200. If you choose "N" for NO you can manually added the conferences yourself as per the above limits. See UNETSYS.TXT for instructions on how to use The U-Net Editor. NOTE: If you register the U-Net Messager later the above process will automatically run again allowing you to add the rest UseNet conferences as well. 2) Optional Steps A) After your UseNet Conferences have been added you may then enter a 30 character description for any and all of them. While not all UseNet conferences may need to have a description it is handy for describing some of the weird ones and what they are about. This helps your users avoid placing incorrect postings in UseNet groups. B) If you allow alias names (handles) to be used on your BBS you may also select the conferences that you will let users post messages to, using their alias rather than their real name. We urge you to be conservative on this as using alias names for posting messages is NOT popular among many Internet people. We have included feature for those users posting messages to certain ALTERNATE groups. REMEMBER your Internet Domain name will always be a part of the message so don't let your users think they can "get away with anything" because everything is traceable straight back to you. ******* THE U-NET MESSAGER ******* SYSTEM SETUP & CONFIGURATION (Cont.) 2) Optional Steps (Cont.) C) If you wish you may use your own startup and/or ending screens with The U-Net Messager-registered or not. Create two .BBS or .SCR files called UNSTART and UNQUIT (.BBS or .SCR) and place them in your UNET directory. If one or both are found they will be displayed automatically . Any Wildcat @ codes can be used. If you want the screen to clear when it is displayed sure to put an @CLS@ at the top of your .BBS or .SCR file. Using Wildcat's @NOPAUSE@ statement at the top of your file is strongly recommended. (Avoids the continue, stop prompt from appearing when you don't want it to.) We use this feature at our BBS to display our E-Mail & UseNet export/import dialup times to our provider-people always seem to ask "when does it go out". *************** END OF SETUP/CONFIGURATION ***************