Should you need to contact the authors for any reason, the authors can be reached at: (1) Yaser Behbehani PO BOX 5845 Safat, Kuwait 13059 RBBSNet : 8:954/920 FidoNet : 2:2/900 - or (2:965/20 soon!) InterNet: Free Kuwait BBS (965) 252-1974 - node 1 - Hayes Optima V34 (965) 252-6502 - node 2 - USR Courier V34 (2) Shadi Al-Shalabi Leave a message to Shadi Al-Shalabi at: Free Kuwait BBS (965) 252-1974 - node 1 - Hayes Optima V34 (965) 252-6502 - node 2 - USR Courier V34 (3) Saud Al-Shomer P.O.BOX 49523 Al-Omaria Kuwait 85156 BBS : Cool Man BBS (965) 473-0879 ZyXel 19.2Kbps or MSI HQ BBS InterNet: Feel free to post any comments, thought, or criticism to the above addresses, or just send a POST CARD. You may be better off contacting Saud Al-Shomer first for faster response.