SRDEMO 1.01 Quick Guide Copyright (c) 1995 by David M. Wincelberg Overview SRDEMO demonstrates a library for sorting file names that may contain digits. For example, the output of this program when run on the sample files follows: SRDEMO 1.01, Copyright (c) 1995 by David M. Wincelberg Correctly sorted filenames that may contain numbers: FILE FILE.000 FILE.BAK FILE0000 FILE0A FILE1 FILE1A FILE2 FILE0002 FILE2.DAT FILE10 FILE23 FILE24 FILE102 FILE125 FILE127 FILE135 FILE1002 Notice that leading zeros are ignored and numbers of different lengths are sorted properly. If you use the routines in SRLIB, your users will see properly sorted file names even if some indexed set of files unexpectedly needs another digit. For example, suppose a user is indexing newsletters as Vxx#nn.TXT and receives issue 100. Then, instead of V15#100.TXT appearing between V15#10.TXT and V15#11.TXT, it will be displayed in its proper place. Using SRLIB, will also save your users the inconvenience of typing leading zeros (or spaces in a long file name). As a first test of SRLIB, enter ZOPEN @LISTFILE followed by SRDEMO /W (or /W4). Files in SRDEMO.ZIP README.TXT This file. WHATSNEW.TXT Describes changes since version 1.0. SRDEMO.EXE Program to sort file names properly even if they include digits. ZOPEN.EXE Program to create zero size files. ZDEL.EXE Program to delete zero size files. LISTFILE List of files names for testing SRDEMO. Use ZOPEN @LISTFILE to create zero size files with names from this file. LISTFILE.W95 Another list file. This one includes embedded spaces to simulate long file names. SRDEMO.TXT The full documentation file. SRLIB.FRM Order form for licensing SRLIB. VENDOR.TXT Provides permission for vendors, BBS sysops, etc. to distribute SRDEMO.ZIP and charge recipients for disks, download time, etc. FILE_ID.DIZ Description of SRDEMO to be used on-line or in catalogs.