Changes from WRDGRB v1.0 to v1.1 Permanent memory use was reduced by 19K to 23K!! The /N switch suppresses instructions for activating WRDGRB so that its displays takes one line instead of four. This is helpful if you decide to load WRDGRB when there is text near the top of the screen that you want to copy and paste. Default command-line options or data can be set in WRDGRB.INI. The mouse cursor is revived about once a second to handle the screen scrolling from the time WRDGRB is activated to the time text is highlighted. For example, you may wish to keep WRDGRB active with the mouse cursor in the upper right corner. The unload display now shows either "unloaded" or "trying" within a second. "Trying" will be changed to either "unloaded" or "deactivated" within another 1 1/2 seconds. The program is now in two files: WRDGRB.EXE and WGINIT.EXE. The other new files are README.TXT, WHATSNEW.TXT (this file), and VENDOR.TXT (distribution and charging permission for vendors, etc.).