F R E E D O M N E T F O R M A T / P O L I C Y =============================================== Hi there and thanks for checking out FREEDOMNET. This is a .qwk compatible network that plans to ALWAYS keep the little guy in mind. You'll understand what we mean in a minute. First off, let us introduce ourselves. We are Keith Allen and Melinda Trantham and we are the SysOps of Al's Place BBS located in Anniston, Al. Now, before we start hearing the Hillbilly jokes from everyone, let us advise you that Anniston is a MILITARY town and lots of folks here weren't born here. We'll also say at this time that Anniston also happens to be the home for one of the pioneers of online communication whom also is known as the Grandfather of BBS'S. This is none other than Tom Bowerman, whom opened one of the first public BBS's in the United States. Anniston at any one time usually has within our local calling area a dozen or so BBS's operating, most all non-subscription. Al's Place has over time, become one of the "permanent" landmarks in local cyberspace. Al's Place carries anywhere from 3-5 .qwk compatible nets at any given time. We've had experience with several nets and we try to keep nets available for our users that reflect the "flavor" of Al's Place in general. This "flavor" is one where someone can jump into a message thread at free will, without fear of being flamed by other users for his/her thoughts/beliefs and without fear of reprisal from the net for expression of thoughts/ideas/beliefs....you get the picture. We've seen some good nets start out, only to die because the net admins didn't work to keep it going or because the net got too big too fast and lost sight of the users...the little guys...with the expansion of monstrous sets of rules. It was out of the ashes of some of these nets that the idea of FREEDOMNET was born. The operational concept of FreedomNet is to encourage and promote the free flow and exchange of information and ideas. We are trying to do this by keeping in mind that our users have to be comfortable in posting messages without any fear of being "overrun" by the system. Hence, you will find a few simple rules in the text below, and a few additional suggestions to all to keep things running smoothely, but you won't find any cybercops around here trying to "strictly" enforce those rules and/or bust people out for "technical violations". Let's move on to the rules. The few rules we have follow: 1. Treat all users and yourself with respect in messaging. 2. NO FLAMING PERMITTED! Leave the flamethrowers outside the net. I think everyone knows that we mean intentionally personally insulting another user by demeaning messaging. It's one thing to crack a joke....it's another to flame. Anyone feeling they have been flamed can feel free to contact the net administrators directly (Keith Allen and/or Melinda Trantham). 3. Outright use of profanity and/or offensive language on this net is not allowed in any "non-restrictive" conference. A non-restrictive conference is any conference where users under the age of 18 are allowed. 4. Messaging that may be interpreted as "pornographic" in nature is not permitted in any non-restrictive conference. 5. Any communications that would be considered criminal in nature are prohibited on the net. You can say that someone ought to cut Hillary Clinton's tongue out if you like, but you can't actively plan it on this net . 6. ANSI art messages are allowed on the net, and all BBS'S whose message systems can support them are encouraged to do so. 7. Aliases are permitted in all conferences, but not required. If there are later exceptions to this rule, I'll post notice in the appropriate conference, but don't expect it. Well, that about covers the rules. Not too many, are there? Now here are just a few more suggestions to help keep things running smoothly: 1. Try to keep message topics appropriate to the conference. You know as well as we do just how easy it is to get off topic on a thread. We're not making a rule on this because we know a thread can go all over the place (heck, we've been as guilty on that one as anyone!! ) What we are asking, is that if the thread gets to be continually on a topic not appropriate to the conference, then maybe you ought to think about moving it to a more appropriate conference. We don't see the need to make this a strict rule or such, as we know you guys will keep it cool. 2. If someone tells you they are offended by your messaging directly to them, it might be a good idea to apologize and pursue another line of discussion. We're talking about something that someone considers as a personal insult toward them. A good way to avoid a misunderstanding would be to be sure to put a or similar JABBA in the message. 3. When entering the net, please be sure to bring along your sense of humor. Remember to keep it handy when reading and entering messages here. Please keep in mind that we're all here to exchange thoughts and feelings and have a good time at it. 4. Try to keep an open mind when messaging. Remember, if you want someone else to consider your point of view, you need to give them the same courtesy . 5. Try to remember this is for fun and entertainment, and maybe even to help someone from time to time. Well that covers all of the users' rules and suggestions. As SysOp of your BBS, you'd need to post these for your users to see and make sure they know the second set is just suggestions...not RULES. There are a few additional rules and suggestions for you as a node or hub SysOp. They follow: 1. All hubs are required to carry the full net to avail to their nodes / user base. 2. All nodes are required to carry the following conferences: hub conf # Conference Name ========== ======================================= 11 Cyberchat 14 UFO's/Other Unexplained Phenomena 21 Soapbox 22 Missing/Wanted Persons 25 Teen Street 27 Net Admin Conference 3. All hubs are required to carry the latest 1000 messages per conference in all conferences. 4. All nodes are required to carry the last 300 messages per conference in the required conferences and recommended to carry at least the last 100 messages in all optional conferences the node carries. 5. All hubs are required to carry the latest version of the FreedomNet information packet in zipped format. Nodes are heartily encouraged to also carry the FreedomNet information packet, but not required. 6. All nodes and hubs are required to abide by decisions of the net administrators regarding conference carriage, user access, user lockouts, and any other issues that may arise as a result of the daily operations of this net. 7. All hubs are required to poll the net hub for mail on a daily basis. All nodes are encouraged to poll their hubs daily but required to poll only every third day. Hey guys, don't let that thing in number 6 scare you... it's the standard thingy we have to do. Now a couple of suggestions. 1. Encourage your users to jump in anywhere they want to and have fun!! 2. Carry as many conferences and messages as your hard drive will allow. This allows users to go further back and really get a good feel for the flavor of the conference and the net. 3. If you notice a user getting a bit offensive and they happen to be from your end of the net, send them a private message suggesting they cool down a bit. If you're worried about it, check with us first and we'll be happy to drop a line instead. We just want folks to have fun and enjoy the net. Well, that about covers it. If you like the conference listing but you're still worried about anything (like the rules or just curious) just call our BBS at 205-236-5481 and page, or leave a note if we can't answer your page. Otherwise, we look forward to receiving your net application soon. Al and Mel