::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ----------------------------------------------------------- :: :: Minority BBS <*> 508-791-3303 <*> Worcester, MA :: :: ----------------------------------------------------------- :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ********************************************************************* 08-14-1995 ********************************************************************* TotallyNet * Sysop Information ********************************************************************* If you wish to carry TotallyNet, you are expected to read this file and the TOTALLY.NET file, and agree to and understand their content. If you wish to hub off a BBS besides Minority, the instructions below will have to be adjusted to accomodate the BBS you will be polling. Also, as a matter of courtesy, all sysops in your host's path should be asked for their consent. If you don't understand that concept, it would be wise to get a better feeling for the workings of a message network before trying to join TotallyNet. The sysop of the network host (Minority BBS) will appreciate a note from the sysop seeking to join the network. As explained in the TOTALLY.NET file, if you wish to join TotallyNet, you are required to carry the TOTALLYTOTALLY echo. If you'd like your users to be able to read this area, that's fine. Posting MUST be restricted to yourself and any users with Sysop-SubOp access to the TotallyNet areas. You must choose an additional minimum of FIVE areas to carry. Make that choice based on the nature of your board and its users. If you will be polling a hub other than MINORITY BBS, you may request that the sysop of that board begin carrying additional subs, or you may wish to poll directly from the host BBS. Finally, you must agree to poll your hub at least TWICE every week. Sysops have the discretion to lock out any feeding BBS which doesn't at least make a noble effort to do so. Since you're the sysop, it will be your responsibility to "moderate" postings from your BBS. You understand and agree with the concept of keeping posts "coherent, friendly, and concise." If, prior to polling your hub, you find a message from one of your users which doesn't seem to meet that fundamental guideline, please delete that post, or at least flag it "private" so all users on the net won't have to view it. If you've honored the request to restrict posting to users you know and trust, you will find this won't ever be necessary. If you have users who persist in making inappropriate posts (after having been enlightened as to our content guideline), please restrict their TotallyNet access to read-only. In spite of all the above verbosity, we really DON'T want to be encumbered with rules and sanctions like some large networks. So please, get a feeling for the karma here, and do your best to help TotallyNet remain fun, friendly, and casual! ********************************************************************* TotallyNet * BBS Set Up ********************************************************************* First you'll need to set up your BBS to include the TotallyNet areas. The details depend upon your software; if you're using Synchronet, refer to the section in the manual (SYSOP.TXT) which details how to set up your BBS for a QWK-networked conference. In brief, you'll need to set up a new conference for TotallyNet, and configure users' access there. TOTALNET would be a good DOS- -restrictive way to identify the message group. At your discretion, any of your users should be permitted to read the conference (although you should use discretion if you want non-sysop-level users to read the network "TotallyTotally" area). It's recommended that only validated users, preferably users you've verified by voice or BBS callback, perhaps even only users you've learned to trust and respect, be permitted to post on TotallyNet. Anonymous posting should only be permitted in the specified areas, and posting to the TotallyTotally area should be restricted to yourself and any user with Sysop/Subop access to TotallyNet. As you set up each sub, you'll need to identify it as a QWK-networked area, you'll need to provide it with a directory or filename (sometimes referred to as "internal code"), and you'll need to identify the QWK ID code for that sub on your hub. The internal code can be whatever you like, however the suggested names will provide consistency with other sysops, and will help distinguish your TotallyNet subs from other message areas. The QWK ID's listed below are those for Minority BBS; other hubs will most likely have different ID's. If you don't get these right, you'll have headaches. Get them right. ********************************************************************* Conference Name QWK ID INTERNAL Notes ===============---======--========--================================= TotallyAnything [2001] TOT-ANY ** Anonymous posting allowed TotallyApple [2002] TOT-APPL * TotallyAtari [2003] TOT-ATAR * TotallyBarter [2004] TOT-BART ** TotallyCommodore [2005] TOT-COMM * TotallyCP/M [2006] TOT-CPM * TotallyCreative [2007] TOT-CREA TotallyCyberspace [2008] TOT-CYBR ** TotallyGames [2009] TOT-GAME TotallyMinority [2010] TOT-MIN * TotallyOS/2 [2011] TOT-OS2 * TotallySociety [2012] TOT-SOC Anonymous posting allowed TotallyTechnical [2013] TOT-TECH ** Totally-nix [2014] TOT-NIX * TotallyTotally [2015] TOT-TOT Sysop/subop posting only! TotallyData [2016] TOT-DAT *** RESERVED * = Special Interest sub; feed based on your users' interests. Defaults OFF for Minority BBS QWK node account. ** = "Core" area - recommended you carry it *** = Synchronet Data - Currently only of interest only to Synchronet BBS's, this area is ONLY for the exchange of data (eg BBS list or Matchmaker) between Synchronet boards. Reading and posting access should be blocked for all users, and you won't want it flagged in your new-message scans!! Software talks to software here, no humans need apply. ********************************************************************* This network supports Ctrl-A color codes (preferred), ANSI, and at Minority WWIV and Renegade color codes. If your software supports the Ctrl-A (Synchronet) colors, leave the codes in. If not, strip them or convert to ANSI. Color is welcome here, you shouldn't deprive your users of it unless you _MUST_! Once you've set up local message areas to mirror the TotallyNet subs you plan to receive, you'll need to set up an account for your board to call on the hub system. ********************************************************************* TotallyNet * Hub Set Up ********************************************************************* First, you'll need to make arrangements with the Sysop of your hub to set up a QWK account for your BBS. The fastest approach would be to open a new account on the proposed hub, give it an account name reflective of your BBS name, with no spaces. Leave the sysop feedback identifying your BBS and requesting the account be set as a QWK node. If you have access, set up your QWK defaults, and be sure all the TotallyNet subs you want are set ON, and that all subs you do NOT want are OFF. You may also want to reset the last-read pointers to the recent past, so you aren't inundated with old messages. Enclosed in this archive is an email application (TOTALLY.APP). You can complete this form, remove the trailing instructions, and email it to the sysop. It will take longer for the sysop to set up the account than it would to set it up yourself, but if you're calling long distance, you may prefer saving the ten or twenty minutes you might spend opening the account and looking around. In the case of Minority, you can log on as GUEST and leave the sysop feedback containing the enclosed application [with the requested information added]. I hope to set up an automatic function to complete the application online, but not just yet... Or you can email me at : ********************************* TOTALLYNET: delay@minority DOVE-NET: delay@vert/minority INTERNET: delay@world.std.com FIDO: minority@1:103/705 Generally with either method your account will be ready for polling within a day or two. The sysop should leave you email with any special instructions or information. Once the account is set up, you can begin polling! ********************************************************************* TotallyNet * Polling ********************************************************************* Synchronet makes setting up to poll a hub very simple. The procedure is explained in DOCS\SYSOP.DOC. You identify the hub, the local message areas being networked with that hub, the QWK ID for the matching area on the hub, and the day(s) and time(s) for the polling event. The first few polls should be done manually, so you can watch that everything seems to be working properly. First force a poll to make sure your account is set up, and to be sure the TotallyNet subs are landing in the correct local bases. Watch this exchange closely. If you see messages in a local sub, or in a sub in another net, being packed for your REP (reply) packet, abort the poll, since something is obviously wrong, and the damage could be exponential if you send a bunch of errant messages into TotallyNet conferences around the globe. When your tosser begins filing the incoming messages, watch that too. If messages are being posted in areas outside of Email and TotallyNet, you have botched something. Fix it before polling again. At this point, a message in one or two areas introducing your BBS to the network is an effective and non-offensive way to confirm that the subs have been properly aligned. If you have problems at this stage, stop polling the hub until you've solved them!! The sysop of your hub may be able to help determine what's wrong, and other sysops using QWK networking with your BBS software may also be worth talking to. And, when in doubt, it might not be bad to re-read this file, and the section in your BBS documentation about setting up a QWK network. If your hub is running Synchronet, you can remotely add, drop, and reset subs by posting in that sub addressed TO:SBBS with the title/subject reading ADD, DROP, RESET, etc. You can also request that files on the hub be added to your QWK packet by posting TO:SBBS with the title/subject reading FREQ and something in the message body to keep your editor from aborting the message. Refer to SYSOP.DOC, or consult with your friendly SyncOp, if you need more information than that. The thrill of watching the TotallyNet hub run, and the subsequent tossing of new messages, will wear thin. You will want to automate the process. Scripts are available for Telix, Procomm, and QModem (and perhaps some others) which can be easily modified to automate your QWK runs. This archive includes the current revision of the TMQN (Telemate QWK Network) Telemate Script, if you have the good taste to be using that software to poll a Synchronet BBS. Telemate (c. White River Software) is a powerful windowed terminal program for DOS (and soon Windows) which is available by FREQ or for free download (NN:Telemate PW:Telemate) from Minority BBS. In case you want to be able to use my nifty script. Once you've got all the areas set up correctly and have your script automating the polling flawlessly, you only have one more task... ********************************************************************* TotallyNet * Posting!!! ********************************************************************* Pick what you think will be your favorite sub, and post something useful. Remember, the message doesn't have to say "TEST" for it to be one. For example, in the TotallyCyberspace sub you might want to post a really neat www home page you recently found. In this useful, interesting message, you can also be sociable, mentioning that your BBS has now joined TotallyNet. Test messages are OK (although it would be thoughtful of you to make the subject "TEST" or something like that). However we don't have a designated "test message" sub, so if you're going to use the public areas to test your connection and alignment, better you make the message interesting, eh? With TotallyNet installed, communicating, and tested, it would be good for you to introduce it to your users. A logon notice or bulletin might be a good way to encourage your folks to check the area out and join in! Less tactful, but perhaps more effective, would be to set the TotallyNet subs to default ON in your users' newscan configuration. This will only draw the attention of users who read message bases, but then those who don't aren't all that likely to respond to a bulletin, either. TotallyNet's aspiration is to evolve based on the direction its members lead it. If you don't encourage your users to read and participate in TotallyNet, it will likely evolve away from the path your BBS might lead it toward. The more your users take part, the more the TotallyNet subs will become an integral part of the atmosphere on your board, and your board in TotallyNet. So get your people interested, and active, in TotallyNet!!! ********************************************************************* DOVE-NET: delay@vert/minority Delay (Bob McKeegan), Sysop INTERNET: delay@world.std.com Minority BBS * Worcester, MA FIDO: minority@1:103/705 508-791-3303 *********************************************************************