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There are no major objections from current members. 0.02 For any system who wishes to be a hub: (In addition to above) A. You must operate 24 hours per day. B. You must have at least 1 node, with a high speed modem. (14400bps+) C. You must poll for mail once per day. D. You are required to carry ALL Peoples Network Conferences ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network: How to Apply Located within this archive is the application form called PEOPLE.APP Once you have completed it simply upload the text to the Network coordinator of your choice as a message or a file. Make sure you let the Sysop know that you stopped by. It's that simple. At this time there are three Network coordinators. The Gull BBS The Peacock BBS The Volitan BBS Sysop - Alan Sintef Sysop - James Combs Sysop David Wilson Bayshore, New York Lindenhurst, New York East Moriches, New York 516-254-6769 516-884-1328 516-874-4615 TPN Node 8:100/47 TPN Node 8:100/76 TPN Node 8:100/71 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network Motto: Strength Through Knowledge... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network Philosophy: The Peoples Network main philosophy is gratefully borrowed from an old Fido saying, which has been rephrased to fit our style. The worst echomail "offense" is being excessively annoying, but never forget that it's excessively annoying to be too easily annoyed. So relax, and lets learn and grow together and have some fun along the way. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network Guidelines: Pre guidelines notes: Some might call these rules. The Peoples Network would rather call them guidelines. Guidelines tend to be more flexible. Rules sound too formal. What we are striving for here is a flexible, comfortable, easy going echo mail network. As we stated in the introduction, every Sysop in The Peoples Network has a voice and say as to how "OUR" Network will be run. As in every organization, no matter how informal there still needs to be some form of structure. As you learn about our network you will find that there are several Network Coordinators, Network Hubs, and Network Nodes. This structure is in place to ensure that the echo mail transfers smoothly. You may be called upon to act as one of these positions, but only if you have a desire to do so. The Peoples Network will not force itself on anyone at anytime. Be assured that there is NO ONE person running this Network. The Peoples network has been designed from the ground up to give credit to it's name. We are a team of Sysops dedicated to making the fullest use of the technology at hand. So please keep in mind that the guidelines below are just that. The following statments are here for the benefit of us all. We the People will follow these guidelines so that all may benefit. Thank You.... Alan Sintef - Sysop - The Gull BBS James Combs - Sysop - The Peacock BBS David Wislon - Sysop - The Volitan BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network: 1.0 The Peoples Network Guidelines 1.01 Flaming and/or baiting and/or bashing is forbidden. a. Any personal remarks or comments that would make a reasonable person angry or offended constitutes a flame. These include ethnic or religious slurs, or demeaning remarks about another person's intelligence or "worth" as a human being. If you disagree attack the idea *NOT* the person. b. Various people are sensitized on various topics. These sensitivities are not always logical, but we know they exist. Baiting is intentionally and knowingly posting in such a manner as to annoy a user or some group of users. This doesn't mean users have to walk softly all the time, but no one should go out of their way to offend either. c. Bashing is mindlessly disparaging anyone or anything. For example, saying brand X sucks... would be bashing, saying I think brand X is a bad buy because... and offering reasons for that impression/feeling is fine leaveing the topic open for discussion. d. The Anonymous conference is the only area where the above guidelines are more loosely applied. Basically the only restrictions in this conference area are, No foul language and nothing illegal may be discussed. Otherwise it's an open topic, free speech oriented area. 1.02 Language within The Peoples Network must be kept "G" rated at all times. We are NOT going to provide a list of what is and what isn't acceptable, we as adults should know what is right and what is wrong. The Nodeops are responsible for what leaves their systems. If you have a hard time figuring out which four letter words people will find offense, please contact a Network Coordinator. He/She will assist you. There may also be moderators available to help you police various areas. Moderators are there to make your life easier, work with them. But as stated above you as the Sysop are responsible for your system. Unfortunately I must add that The Peoples Network will go by a 3 strikes and your out system. Sysops will be givin every chance to rectify problems *BEFORE* Admin. personnel get involved, But once Network Coordinators are involved it's three warnings and thats it. As in everything else The Peoples Network does, there will be a group formed to deal with problems as they arise. 1.03 Over-quoting is to be discouraged. I've always found this to be silly to even discuss, but when a user has to read thru an entire message to get to a response of "OK" it tends to be annoying. Use your own judgment here. Again because these are guidelines, it should be touched upon. 1.04 Never argue publicly with a moderator. If you disagree with a moderator and wish to discuss something bring it to the Admin. or Admin2user conference. Moderators are our police force. They are here to help us. Moderators work for the Sysops of every System. If you have problem with a Moderator contact the Moderator first, remember the moderators work for The Peoples Network. If the problem can not be resolved contact a Network Coordinator. If a problem still can not be resolved a committee of Sysops will be called together to review and aid in the resolution of the problem. Think of it as arbitration. 1.05 It's "bad form" to directly post to another user concerning a message they have posted to the moderator in his official capacity. For example, if a user says YOU were flaming him, let the moderators do their job... if you respond to the user making this claim directly, it will only make matters worse. 1.06 Stick to the conference topic, if the subject changes move the thread to a more appropriate area, preferably before the moderator has to remind you of this rule. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network: 2.0 Moderator Guidelines: 2.01 All moderators are appointed by a joint vote of Sysops, usually based on sysops recommendations. They serve at the pleasure of the network and can be removed at any time should it be felt that this would serve the best interest of The Peoples Network. 2.02 Moderators should attempt to read all messages in their assigned conference regularly, and take an active interest in that conference. It's expected that a moderator will be posting at LEAST one message per week in that conference. Conference rules should be posted approximately once per month. 2.03 The primary duties of the moderator are to see that users are in compliance with the The Peoples Network guidelines, and to watch out for messages without taglines, duplicate posts, or the appearance of those funny little four letter words that pop up every now and then in their assigned conference, and other general problems that can arise without the network being aware of it. I would like to add that a moderator should also try an stimulate conversation if needed. 2.04 The process for moderating a user is... a. Send a friendly worded reminder about The Peoples Network guidelines and what concerns you about the user's style/tone. b. If ignored, *allowing for mail transfer time!*, send a quiet warning that continuing the same behavior will result in your requesting administrative review and possible suspension. Be sure to state in the message that you are sending the user an official warning, and if you can ascertain the user's Sysop... send a copy to that sysop as well. c. If ignored, *again*, allowing for mail transfer time!*, send a request for a network suspension of the user. Suspensions will usually be granted, although subject to administrative review. A moderator *MUST* inform the users Sysop of his intentions. Typical conference suspensions will be for a period of 30 days, but may be longer or even permanent at the discretion of the Systems Sysop. d. Keep a record of the name, date, and reason for ALL moderating messages sent. Preferably, including the offending post in it's entirety. This will save a lot of grief when an angry sysop wants to know why one of his favorite users is in trouble in the network! Chances are, the initial offending post(s) may have already scrolled off of the user's BBS and the users sysop may NOT have any idea of what has been going on. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network: 3.0 Sysop Guidelines: The Peoples Network is a network that believes 99% of sysops are responsible people who have and maintain a reasonable set of standards on their BBS's. Thus, no lengthy list of sysop guidelines should be needed. More formal sysop guidelines may be created, if it proves necessary... however we don't see that happening 3.01 Node minimum requirements are... poll your hub for mail at least once per day. The two Admin. conferences's and the Main Board and Peoples News Areas are mandatory, the other conferences are elective. 3.02 Hubs Will poll every day and carry *ALL* Peoples Network conferences. 3.03 Nobody wants dupes or cross-conference problems. Hubs are responsible to see that their nodes do NOT continue to have a problem along these lines... any system echo'ing dupes or is crossed configured for three consecutive days must be shut off until the problem is located and fixed. Please don't struggle with these problems alone. If you see a problem or have a problem make sure everyone knows about it. This way we can all lend a hand and get the mail flowing effectively. We were ALL new to this at one time. It is the duty of every Peoples Network Sysops to offer assistance were possible. Remember we area team. 3.04 If Any HUB or Node has to shut off for one reason or another or a node will be off line for more than 3 days, The HUB should inform the Network coordinators and advise him of the problem. It's only fair to let everyone know whats going on. Post a message in the Admin. Conference and advise all of the situation and approx. down time, so that we may lend a helping hand if needed. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network: 4.0 General Administrative Guidelines, An Overview and notes. The Network coordinators reserves the right to modify or change any guidelines as needed, to better serve the intended pupose of insuring smooth and hassle-free echomail for us all. *BUT* any significant changes must be met with the approval of a majority vote of all hubs and nodes. We The Peoples Network will work as a team to ensure you as a system, will enjoy your participation with us. 4.01 The following tagline should be set for each node so that all messages will have the originating BBS identified: TP_Net 8:8/47 * My BBS Name * City, St * 914-555-1212 or The Peoples Net 8:8/88 - My BBS is the Best 516-555-1212 or TPN 8:8/76 - My BBS Is great - New York 212-555-1212 4.02 Abusive or offensive language, name calling, or personal attacks can not be tolerated in The Peoples Network. We are a family oriented network, but we also believe in free speech, so use descretion. Censorship is frowned upon. 4.03 Aliases are not allowed in ANY net Conferences. Except The Peoples Network Anonymous conference. 4.04 Hubs must be "full time" BBS's. (Running 24 hrs) Nodes need not be running 24 hours, but must be running a public access BBS a least part of the day. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoples Network: 5.0 Closing notes: 5.01 Well if you have read this far you must be interested. I know the above sounds like a lot to follow, but it really is just all common sense stuff. The Peoples Network is just that, a group of people tired of the bureaucracy of other networks. We want to run a democratic network where everyone has a say in what goes on. Please consider giving us a try. We are always here to help you get started, NEW SYSOPS are MOST WELCOME HERE. Come grow with us........... 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