MMMMM-----Meal-Master - formatted by MMCONV 1.60 Title: Corky's Hummingbird Food Categories: Bird Food Servings: 1 1 1/2 c hot tap water 1/2 c granulated sugar 2 dr red food coloring You can make your own nectar in a matter of seconds. It is simply a 1:4 sugar solution. I mix it up in a large measuring cup using 1 1/2c. hot tap water, 1/2c. regular granulated sugar and a couple of drops of red food coloring for enticement. If they are already using a feeder then you can omit the food coloring. One caution, do not use honey! Hummers are unable to digest it properly and can actually starve on a diet of it. Enjoy your company of hummers! Corky From: Corky #6 @1509005 1 Date: 08-03-94 MMMMM-------------------------------------------------