MMMMM-----Meal-Master - formatted by MMCONV 1.60 Title: Pasties Categories: Main Dish Servings: 1 -Use Crescent Rolls (in a -tube) for the shell, -they're already rolled -flat and -the right shape -Filling: 1/2 lb ground beef 1 onion 1 egg 1 Carrot -Salt, pepper, paprika -Brown hamburger. -Grate onion, carrot Mix in egg season place mixture on 1 flattened C-roll, cover with another, pinch edges together with a fork Bake 5 min. longer than the C-roll tube calls for. Variation: substitute a finely grated potato for 1/2 onion and 1/2 the meat. From: Mark Gartrell #89 @5100 2 Date: 08-22-30 MMMMM-------------------------------------------------