MMMMM-----Meal-Master - formatted by MMCONV 1.60 Title: Duchess' Round Steak Categories: Beef, Main Dish Servings: 1 -seasoned flour -garlic powder -seasoning salt -pepper mixed with some -flour -potatoes -carrots -celery -a small onion 1 cn of tomato sauce 1 cn of cream of mushroom soup -water Oh yes I do!!!!! Have you tried to pound seasoned flour to the round steak and cut into small steak sized pieces?? All you do is use a tenderizer hammer and pound seasoned flour into the steak (use garlic powder, seasoning salt, and pepper mixed with some flour). Then you sear the steaks in a skillet to brown. Add some potatoes, carrots, celery, and a small onion cut into 1 inch cubes, add a can of tomato sauce and can of cream of mushroom soup and just a little of water to the meat and simmer about 2 hours on low heat and presto.... you have swiss steaks or a pot roast. I just made this over the weekend and it is sooooo yummy!!!! Happy cooking to you. From: Duchess #74 @1209010 1 Date: 08-31-94 MMMMM-------------------------------------------------