From: WINGNUT #48 @1910302*1 Subj: Guide to Low Fat Eatting --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harvin, Rebecca. "Don't Butter Me Up!", subtitled, The Handbook For A Low Fat Eating Plan That Will Melt Your Fat Away Forever. 1992. pap. 14.95 (0-9641477-0-X) Don't Butter Me Up!" is a common sense approach to trimming fat from the diet. This book gives tips on stocking the pantry, reading labels, and making low fat substitutions. The author talks about eating out and makes fast-food suggestions. A 21 day meal plan is provided to help dieters get started easily. Along with easy and sensible advice is a generous dose of lighthearted humor. The author's suggestion that low fat eating improves everything from your heart to your sex life makes this book anything but just another dull cookbook. Unusual strengths and qualities of this book: Very easy to follow. A down-to-earth, no nonsense approach that won't leave you groaning about changing your eating habits. Has been recommended by doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians as an excellent reference for a beginning student in healthy eating. Written for people in the real world and who have to plan, shop, and cook for themselves and their families. "Don't Butter Me Up!" Rebecca Harvin 986 Meadow Lane Henderson, NC 27536 (919)438-8849