MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Barbecue Sauce au Justin Categories: Cajun, Sauces Yield: 1 servings 2 c Onion, chopped 1/2 c Bell pepper, chopped 1/2 c Olive oil 2 T Garlic, chopped 2 c Ketchup 2 T Parsley, dried 2 T Lemon juice 1/2 c Wine vinegar 4 t Salt 1/4 c Louisiana hot sauce 1 1/2 c Dry red wine 1/2 t Celery seed 1 c Steak sauce Saute onions and bell pepper in olive oil. Add garlic, wine and the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a boil. Cover, then cook over a low fire for at least 2 hours. Use on finished barbecue, NOT AS A BASTING SAUCE. This is garontee to warm the belly. From Justin Wilson's "Outdoor Cooking With Inside Help" From: MR LUCKY #107 @1504013 MMMMM