MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Chopped liver spread Categories: spreads Yield: 1 servings 1 lb liver 2 hard cooked eggs 1/2 md onion, diced salt to taste. A less saturated fat style of chopped liver uses vegetable oil to saute the liver in (and you can use veal, calf OR chicken livers). I like to saute the onions as well. After sauteing the liver and onions, I run them both through a meat grinder and the eggs, too...then add oil from the pan until the consistency is spreadable. The old style of making this sauteed the liver and onions in rendered chicken fat...enough to make your arteries recall in horror but even tastier! From: -=<< DOC >>=- #1 @5100 MMMMM