MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Cream of Artichoke Soup Categories: Soups/stews, Veggies, Artichoke Yield: 6 servings 1 pk Frozen artichoke hearts; 3 Leeks; sliced thin 1 c Water; 1/2 ts Salt; 1/8 ts White pepper; 1 cn (13-1/2 oz) chicken broth; 1 ts Heavy cream; Nutmeg; Sprigs of parsley; Place artichoke hearts and leeks in cooker. Add water, salt and pepper. Cover and set control 15. Cook 15 minutes after control jiggles. Remove and cool at once under COLD RUNNING WATER. Uncover and pour mixture into blender container. Add broth and lemon juice. Blend at high speed about 1 minute. Pour into bowl and slowly blend in cream. Cover and chill. If serving hot, return mixture to cooker and add cream. Warm slowly over lowest heat, stirring constantly. Serve with a dash of nutmeg or garnish each bowl with sprig of parsley. Makes 6 servings. Source: The Pressure Cooking by Alma Payne Ralston Brought to you and yours via Nancy O'Brion and her Meal-Master. From: CHAT CAT #2 @4203 MMMMM