MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Ethiopian Hot Pepper Seasoning Categories: seasonings Yield: 1 servings 2 ts cumin seeds 4 whole cloves 6 cardamom pods 1/2 ts whole black pepper 1/4 ts whole allspice 1 ts whole fenugreek seeds 1/2 c dried shallots 3 oz long red dried chillies 3 to 6 small, dried hot -chilli peppers 1/2 ts ground ginger 1/4 ts tumeric 2 ts salt In a small frying pan, combine the cumin seeds, cloves, cardamon pods, black pep per, allspice and fenugreek. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring, until lightly toasted, about 1 minute. Place in a blender, add shallots and whirl until finely ground. Discard stems and seeds from chilies. Break up the pods and process until ground. Combin e with the toasted seasonings and the remaining spices. Makes 1 cup. From: DAVID J MARSHALL #3 @4468 MMMMM