---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Frische Tomatensuppe (Fresh Tomato Soup) Categories: German, Soups Yield: 4 servings 6 ea Tomatoes; Medium Size OR 1 tb Tomato Paste 2 lb Italian Plum Tomatoes 1/2 ts Basil; Dried 1 ea Onion; Chopped 1/4 ts Pepper; Freshly Ground 1 ea Celery; Stalk, Chopped 1/2 ts Salt 2 c Chicken Broth 1/2 c Yogurt Cut tomatoes into wedges and place in 1 1/2-quart saucepan with all ingredients except yogurt. Simmer uncovered 30 minutes. Strain to remove tomato skins and seeds. Adjust seasonings. Garnish with spoonfuls of yogurt. From: R2D2 #3 @1614017 -----