MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: How to Use Your Pressure Cooker Categories: Diabetic, Info/help, P-cooker, Text Yield: 1 text file MMMMM----------------------------TEXT--------------------------------- 1. Use more if you choose, but never less water than called for when adapting your own recipes. Always add 1 cup or more liquid to roasts after browning and cover cooker at once called for in any recipe. 2. Liquids other than water constitute part of liquid necessary and should be deducted from total liquid called for in any recipe. 3. When you choose to use rack always add 1/4 cup more liquid than called for. 4. Always reduce heat when regulator (or control) begins to jiggle or rock. It should move 1 to 4 times to produce desired finished product. Use low or medium setting on electric range to maintain this pressure, or simmer on gas range. 5. During the course of steaming if you notice a sight leakage around air vent or pipe, this is natural. But if this persists, examine automatic air vent to see if food has collected there or is some part of cooker needs to be tightened. 6. Leakage between cover and body suggest sealing ring or gasket is not in place or needs to be replaced. 7. Realize that all cooking times specified can only be approximate. Conditions of ingredients use, size of fresh produce varies, pressure of home gas or electricity varies and certain other uncontrollable variations. So know your own cooker and range condition. 8. When adapting your own recipes for dishes that are to be cooked in a mold or casserole covered with double fold of heavy foil be sure to increase cooking time. To secure foil, crimp edges tightly to seal. As and added precaution, tie with string. 9. Two methods of reducing pressure instantly may be used-cooling cooker under COLD running water or setting cooker in pan of cold water. The first method is faster. 10. When reducing pressure by placing cooker under cold running water take care not to let water get into cooker through steam vent. 11. When you want to cook 2 or more vegetables at the same time, it is not necessary to place in separate containers as flavors will not mingle. 12. Don't use high heat to bring up pressure when cooking, cereals, pastas, rice, dried vegetables or other foods that are apt to froth while cooking. Always add 1 tablespoon oil to counteract froth, and bring pressure up slowly. 13. When you want to drain liquid from cooked food remove gasket from cover, and let liquid drain through "apertures." 14. Never substitute oil for required amount of liquid in any recipe. 15. Always consult manufacturer's handbook for specific information about your particular cooker. Source: Pressure Cooking by Nitty Gritty Productions. Brought to you and yours via Nancy O'Brion and her Meal-Master. From: CHAT CAT #2 @4203 MMMMM