MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: KATHY HIRDLER'S FIRE CAMP CHILI FOR 1200 Categories: chili Yield: 1 servings 100 lb pinto beans 48 lg onions, chopped 4 C jalapeno chilies with juice 40 lb meat (ham, sausage, pork, -bacon ends, ground beef) 4 C chili powder salt to taste Soak beans overnight, then raise to a boil on high heat. Add all ingredients and simmer until tender (about 6 hours). Add water as necessary. Stir occasionally. Makes 60 gallons. Serves 1200 approximately. This is a little less than 1/2 pint per person, so adjust accordingly. From: KOUNTRY COOK #1 @1912232 MMMMM