---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.01 Title: Lamb Patties Moroccan Style With Harissa Sauce Categories: Main dish, Meats Servings: 4 1 1/2 lb Ground lean lamb 2 tb Grated onion 1 ts Paprika 4 tb Chopped parsley 1/4 ts Crushed dried hot peppers Salt to taste 1/4 ts Ground black pepper 1 tb Vegetable oil 1 ts Ground cumin Harissa sauce 2 ts Chopped garlic Put the lamb in a mixing bowl and add all of the ingredients except the vegetable oil and harissa sauce. Blend the mixture thoroughly by hand. Shape the mixture into 8 equal size patties similar to hamburgers. Heat the oil in a non stick skillet large enough to hold all of the patties. Two pans may be necessary. Add the patties to the skillet. Cook them over medium high heat about 3 to 4 minutes on each side, depending on the degree of doneness desired. Drain on paper towels and serve with the harissa sauce on the side. From: KOUNTRY COOK #1 @1912232 -----