MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: PEANUT BRITTLE Categories: candies Yield: 1 servings 1 c white corn syrup 4 c sugar 5 c unsalted roasted peanuts -(or other nuts) 1 1/2 tb butter 2 1/2 ts baking soda Place the syrup and sugar in a suacepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves. Place cany thermometer in pan and continue cooking, without stirring, un- til syrup reaches soft-ball stage (240 degrees on cancy ther- mometer). Immediately add nuts. Cook, stirring occasionally, until syrup reaches hard-crack stage (300 degrees on candy thermometer). Remove from heat. Immediately add butter and baking soda, stirring until well blended. Mixture will foam. Quickly pour mixture into prepared pans. Cool at least 2 hours. Use a knife to break candy into serving pieces. Then let candy set about another 2 hours before storing. Untensils needed: Saucepan Candy thermometer 2 cookie pans, greased Setting time: 2 hours Quantity: About 4 pounds Storing: Airtight container in layers for 3 weeks From: DIAMOND #69 @1810005 MMMMM