MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Spiced Figs Categories: Preserves Figs Servings: 8 Jars 3 qt Figs (about 9 to the pound) 2 qt boiling Water 1 c Water 1 ea Small cheesecloth bag -containing: 1 ea Whole mixed spices*, cloves 3 cinnamon sticks 6 c Granulated Sugar 1 c White Vinegar * Store bought "Pickling Spices" may be used. Cover Figs with boiling water and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Drain off water. Make syrup of sugar, vinegar and Spice bag. For three consecutive days, boil the drained figs in the syrup 10 minutes each day, and let stand overnight. Pack figs while hot on the third day. Pack figs in clean sterilized mason jars, pouring syrup to cover within -1/2 inch from top and seal tight. Process in a hot boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Cool and serve cold as an accompaniment. From: KOUNTRY COOK #1 @1912232 MMMMM