MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Superbowl Chili Categories: Soups, Low fat, S.powter Yield: 4 servings 1/4 c Jalapeno peppers, chopped 1 c Chopped onions 1/2 c Chopped bell pepper 1/4 c Chopped celery 2 cl Garlic, chopped Salt and pepper to taste 2 cn Fat free black beans, drain 2 tb Chili powder 1 tb Cumin 1/4 c Water 1/8 c Flour 8 oz Tomato sauce Combine jalapeno peppers, onion, celery, bell pepper, garlic, salt and pepper in saucepan and simmer for 45 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 15 minutes until thick. From: The Susan Powter Show, Low fat Superbowl recipes, 1-27-95. NBC-TV Meal Mastered by: Roberta Thompson From: CHAT CAT #2 @4203 MMMMM