From: HONEYBEAR - SYSOP #1 @141 Chicken One Pan Meal > Does anyone have a recipe for a chicken casserole. Very important that there > are a minimal amount of ingredients and NO ONIONS!! Thanks. I don't know if you would call it a casserole..but I make up a Chicken One Pan can use the whole parts of the chicen..rinse them off and put in the pan..put in potatoes, carrots cut up of course..and any other vegetables you might want to add..then get some cream of mushroom soup ..I use 2 cans..but it depends on how much chicken your using..put in the water it says for the cans..mix it up first..then pour it over the chicken..and on top of the chicken you can add some dabs of butter to keep it from getting to dried out..then put it in the oven at 350 degrees for one hour..after it being in for a half hour you may want to check it and flip the pieces over..and baste them with some of the soup should be done when the chicken is fully turns out great..if it takes a little longer than the hour that is fine depends on the oven temperature..some do vary on it..