---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Old Fashioned Root Beer Categories: Beverages Yield: 1 servings 1 Cake, compressed yeast 5 Pounds, sugar 2 Ounces, sassafras root 1 Ounce, hops or ginger root 2 Ounces, juniper berries 4 Gallons, water 1 Ounce, dandelion root 2 Ounces, wintergreen Wash roots well in cold water. Add juniper berries (crushed) and hops. Pour 8 quarts boiling water over root mixture and boil slowly 20 minutes. Strain through flannel bag. Add sugar and remaining 8 quarts water. Allow to stand until lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in a little cool water. Add to root liquid. Stir will. Let settle then strain again and bottle. Cork tightly. Keep in a warm room 5 to 6 hours, then store in a cool place. Put on ice as required for use. Comments: This was from Excellent Recipes for Baking Raised Bread, from the Fleishman Company, 1912. I have never tried this recipe...always used extract from the local home brew store. Source: Thomas D. Feller (thomasf@deschutes.ico.tek.com) Issue #930, 7/22/92 From: Ross Mole From: SWEET THING #10 @4203 -----