From: BELLADONA #72 @13609*3 Refer#: NONE Poultry Tips --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've always found that if the meat is falling off the bird it tends to be over done (I know that this varies from oven to oven) so I go by my Mom's method. I grab the drumstick by the tip and shake it. If it is stiff then the bird needs to cook some more. If it "shakes hands" with you easily and without any resistance then the dark meat is done. Instead of using plain garlic to coat the bird, I crush the garlic into a couple of tablespoons of olive or veg oil and coat it all over and into the cavity. It also aids in keeping the herbs (I often use tarragon, margoram etc.) and spices stuck on the bird and helps brown the skin. You could try barbecuing the bird with a little bit of whatever wood chips you like. MMMMMMMMM!!!!! This works great with all birds especially goose.