---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Venison Jerky Categories: Wild game, Jerky Yield: 1 servings 1 c Light soya sauce (as in 1 tb Garlic powder or granules -less salt-light) 1 tb Onion powder or granules 1 tb Pepper ( you can use white 1 ts Tobassco sauce -pepper if you like it 3 tb Worchestchire sauce -hot!) 1 tb Liquid smoke Use this for one pound of meat. Slice the meat very thin, getting out as much fat as possible. Soak the meat for at least one hour. (you can soak it longer if you like an intense taste) Now you can lay out the meat to dry. There are 3 ways to dry it. A-in a dehydrator. B-in the oven. C-in a smoker. A- this method takes the longest. At least 10 to 18 hours drying time depending on how thick the meat was cut. B-Very nice but you must put the meat on cooling racks then on to cookie sheets. This takes about 6to 10 hours. You put the meat in at the ovens lowest setting. C-For this method DO NOT use the liquid smoke and it must be a hot smoker. Smoke the meat as you would anything else. This takes about 10 to 14 hours. You can increase this recipe for as much meat as you want. DO NOT use regular soya sauce as it is too salty when the meat is done. If you want to increase or decrease the ingredients you can, but try it first then change. You will know when the meat is done as it will look dry and be slightly brittle. Take out pieces as they are done leaving the rest to finish. Damp off any oil on the outside with paper towel. VERY IMPORTANT AS THE OIL IS WHAT WILL MAKE IT GO BAD. Then store in the fridge or air tight container. I have never had it go bad as it never lasts that long!!!!! This works well with any meat and I have tried it with beef, turkey, and even salmon. Let me know how it is. BYE NYMPH From: Nymph #377 @1604000 1 Date: 04-28-94 -----