---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Venison Roast Categories: Wild game, Main dish Yield: 1 servings 1 Venison roast, trimmed of -excellant) -at least 75% of the fat 5 Cloves of garlic 6 lg Potatos, peeled and 2 tb Of sage -quartered 2 tb Of rosemary 1 Dozen medium carrots, 1 Cabbage, whole -scrubbed clean and cut -salt and pepper to taste -into chunks 4 c Of fresh sliced mushrooms 2 lg SWEET onions (sweet is 2 tb Of worstershire -important, vidalia's are 2 tb Of soy > I just got 40 lbs of venison. Anyone know any good ways to get rid of the > Gamey taste. Also, I am looking for a few good Recipes for it. well, first you send me 10 pounds of it :) Actually, my aunt in KY fixed us a venison roast once when I was a kid that hooked for life, which astounded my folks, as I am a very picky eater. It went something like this... she simply through this all in a pan and stuck in the oven to cook (I'm sorry, I don't have the temp, but I think it was something like 350 or 375) for about an hour to an hour and 1/2. She might have added a cup of water midway thru to help with the moisture and gravy. She said that something about the cabbage and the sweet onions neutralized the gamey taste. Anyway, it was very very good. RHIANNON, Mistress of the Celtic Cauldron From: Rhiannon #5 @1317009 1 Date: 04-09-94 -----